Coping with Swedish winter

Hey guys, it’s Raygo here again, as the Halloween celebrations have just been over while November is taking over, which means winter is approaching. Being considered the most challenging season in Sweden, if not the entire Scandinavia, I would like to share some tips today that you may consider when coping with the Swedish winter. … Continue reading “Coping with Swedish winter”

Winter Adventures with the KTH Outdoor Club

In the past few months I’ve been lucky enough to take part in some great winter experiences around Sweden thanks to the KTH Outdoor Club. This Outdoor Club is a student association that’s perfect for anyone interested in camping, climbing, hiking and all else ‘outdoorsy’. We are basically a big group of KTH students that … Continue reading “Winter Adventures with the KTH Outdoor Club”

Winter Cycling in Stockholm

A few months ago, I offered some advice on thriving during winter in Stockholm. One of the main takeaways is to do as Swedes do: dress for the weather, and get out there. The same logic applies to winter biking in Stockholm. And since the idea of cycling in the winter struggles to make a … Continue reading “Winter Cycling in Stockholm”

Sport in the Wintertime

How can you stay active during the cold months? The wintertime is cold in Stockholm, there’s no doubt about it. Sometimes it can be tempting to make a hot cup of tea and stay wrapped up in bed for three months hibernation-style until the Spring comes back around. Luckily, Stockholmers are well used to the … Continue reading “Sport in the Wintertime”

Why Studying Abroad in Sweden at KTH Might NOT Be for You

Hello everybody and welcome to today’s post! The sun is shining in Stockholm and Summer is getting closer: meaning that you are close than ever to starting your KTH journey! After discovering why studying at KTH might be for you, it is time to shed light on why it might not be for you instead. … Continue reading “Why Studying Abroad in Sweden at KTH Might NOT Be for You”

FAQs: Your Essential Guide to Starting at KTH

Hej buddies, Sai here! Are you excited about your journey to KTH? I know that preparing for university life, especially in a new country, can bring a lot of questions. I’ve recently connected with many of you as a part of the “Connect with a KTH student” project, and the queries asked during the sessions … Continue reading “FAQs: Your Essential Guide to Starting at KTH”