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The mesmerising beauty of Stockholm’s skies

Hello everybody and welcome to this new blog post! In today’s post, I’m going to show you how beautiful the Swedish sky can be, especially during Winter. Everyday I get more amazed by what this country has to offer, especially when it comes to incredible sceneries – come with me and discover what the Swedish … Continue reading “The mesmerising beauty of Stockholm’s skies”

What happens after KTH? Coffee with graduates. Part 1

Hey there! When applying to KTH, some wonder what will happen after your graduation. What’s next? Should I stay in Sweden? I will share stories of my friends who have graduated from KTH and how they got their jobs. Sit back and enjoy! The story of Adi This morning, my friend Adi, from India, had … Continue reading “What happens after KTH? Coffee with graduates. Part 1”

KTH Innovation and Innovation Collide

Hej allihopa, it is Raygo here again! Have you ever thought of new ideas or plans you wanted to realize? As a curious person, I am always motivated to try new things and embrace new knowledge. Today, I want to show you around an event I recently attended: Innovation Collide, organized by KTH Innovation. Keep … Continue reading “KTH Innovation and Innovation Collide”

Internships: entry to a work enviroment

Hey guys! The spring came to Stockholm, and I decided to talk about what happens after graduation and where to find internships! I am graduating this spring and looking forward to finding a work placement here in Stockholm! Stockholm offers lots of opportunities and it’s a great city to do an internship-this is one of … Continue reading “Internships: entry to a work enviroment”

Living in Stockholm: activities on a budget

Hello everybody, and welcome to this new post! Today, we will talk about cheap activities that you can do in Stockholm. KTH and Sweden are famous for the nice work-life balance, which means that you may have a good amount of free time during your studies – while still living on a tight budget. Let’s … Continue reading “Living in Stockholm: activities on a budget”

Costs of living in Stockholm 2023: part three – Raygo

Hi guys, it is Raygo here today! As Lorenzo and Martyna talked about their living costs in the previous posts, I will share mine as the last post for this featured topic now! Essential Like the other two bloggers, the rent accounts for most of my budget. Living in the studio apartment at Malvinas väg … Continue reading “Costs of living in Stockholm 2023: part three – Raygo”