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Budgeting tips for Stockholmers-to-be

Hello everybody and welcome to this new blog post! Today, I want to share with you some budgeting tips to make your life in Sweden more affordable. Scandinavian countries have the reputation of being particularly expensive and, even if this is not completely true, living on a student budget can still be tough. We have … Continue reading “Budgeting tips for Stockholmers-to-be”

How close is your KTH campus?

Hey everyone! Are you wondering where your campus is located and which accommodation to choose or how to get to each campus? Today I will let to know about the distances between the campuses and the areas around them! KTH MAIN CAMPUS The main KTH campus is located in central Stockholm. This campus consists of … Continue reading “How close is your KTH campus?”

Moving to Stockholm! What do I need to know? For EU-admitted students

Hey there, behind the screen! Congratulations to you admitted KTH students! What a relief, right?! So what happens next? You probably have a question in mind: How should I plan to move to Stockholm? Don’t worry, I will cover that for you in this post! Residence permit? No, I am from the EU! Since you … Continue reading “Moving to Stockholm! What do I need to know? For EU-admitted students”

A typical semester at KTH

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, we will talk about how a typical semester may look like at KTH. I thought this could be an interesting topic given that the admission results have just come out and you may want to know something more about studying at KTH! So, let’s get started. … Continue reading “A typical semester at KTH”

Welcome to KTH!

Hello everybody, and welcome to this new blog post! Let me congratulate to all of you who have been admitted to KTH, you made it! Enjoy this moment as much as you can. At least for a couple of days, don’t think about anything: just enjoy the fact that you’ve been admitted. And after that… … Continue reading “Welcome to KTH!”

Studio Visit to Uppsala

Hi there, it is Raygo here today! Today I would like to share with you my recent studio visit to Uppsala, a city close to Stockholm in the north. This semester, I have been enrolled in a studio called “Housing Studio”, as the name suggested; we study different housing typologies in Sweden and try to … Continue reading “Studio Visit to Uppsala”