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Why I Loved KTH Webinars

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, I’m excited to share three reasons why I enjoyed attending KTH webinars so much last year. It’s not every day you get to peek behind the digital curtain of an institution, so let’s dive into my three favourite aspects of KTH webinars right away! Interaction with … Continue reading “Why I Loved KTH Webinars”

Dive into Innovation: Exploring the Research Labs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Hey everyone! I hope you’re in the mood for some research today! KTH’s diverse research labs consistently push the boundaries of knowledge. One of the highlights of Nobel Week each year is when KTH opens the doors for tours of its laboratories. Let’s look into some of these ground-breaking facilities in this blog post. 1. … Continue reading “Dive into Innovation: Exploring the Research Labs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology”

3 Key Considerations to Choose the Right Master’s Programme

Hej everyone! Welcome to this new post. Are you considering pursuing a master’s degree to advance your career or delve deeper into a field of interest? If so, you’re in good company. Choosing the right master’s programme is a critical decision that can shape your future. With KTH offering a staggering 63 master’s programs across … Continue reading “3 Key Considerations to Choose the Right Master’s Programme”

How is it to Study Engineering at KTH?

Hello everyone, and welcome to this new post! Today, I’d like to provide you with more insight into what it’s like to study Engineering at KTH. What does a typical course structure look like? Is it more theory-oriented or project-focused? Who might benefit from this approach, and, most importantly, is it the right fit for … Continue reading “How is it to Study Engineering at KTH?”

24 Hours in the Life of a KTH Student

Hello there! This will be a post about a day in my life as a KTH student, hope this gives you an idea about what to expect as a student. Beneath the Swedish sky so vast,At KTH, time seems to fly so fast.From dawn’s embrace to evening’s tune,Join my day’s dance, from morn to moon. … Continue reading “24 Hours in the Life of a KTH Student”

Happy Kanelbullens Dag!

Hej everyone! Welcome to my blog post of the week! In the world of delightful food holidays, few can rival the sheer scrumptiousness of Kanelbullens Dag, which translates to “Cinnamon Bun Day” in English. Observed annually on October 4th in Sweden, this day pays homage to one of the world’s most beloved baked goods—the cinnamon … Continue reading “Happy Kanelbullens Dag!”