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Get your KTH adventure started with the Arrival Days!

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, we are going to talk about what will happen at KTH during August: the 2023 Arrival Days and International Reception! When will the Arrival Days be? The Arrival Days 2023 will take place on August 19 and 20, but a lot of activities will take place … Continue reading “Get your KTH adventure started with the Arrival Days!”

Erasmus and exchange opportunities at KTH

Hi there, it is Raygo here with you all again today! In this post, I am sharing a question I have frequently received: Can we do an exchange programme here at KTH, even if I am an international student? And the answer is a yes! Erasmus and Erasmus+ Programmes The Erasmus Programme (EuRopean Community Action … Continue reading “Erasmus and exchange opportunities at KTH”

What being a (Digital) Student Ambassador has taught me

Hello everybody, and welcome to this new post! Today, I would like to tell you something more about my experience as a (Digital) Student Ambassador for KTH. I thought this could interest you too, since the application to become Student Ambassador and Digital Student Ambassador for KTH are now open! So, let’s get started. My … Continue reading “What being a (Digital) Student Ambassador has taught me”