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Falling in love with Sweden already? Maybe the “looking for work after studies” residence permit will be for you, too

This week I made my return to Sweden after a visit home to the US. The bus ride from the airport gave me so many flashbacks to the day I arrived in Sweden as a new student in 2020.  I remember taking the KTH Arrival Days bus from the airport and chatting with a fellow … Continue reading “Falling in love with Sweden already? Maybe the “looking for work after studies” residence permit will be for you, too”

Goodbyes, plans and wishes

So I guess that’s it! My work as a digital ambassador has come to an end, and soon the new ambassadors will be taking the stage to share their unique stories.  This year at KTH has been a life-changing experience, and I’m glad I got to share my journey with you.  I came to KTH … Continue reading “Goodbyes, plans and wishes”

Arrival Days 2022

How would you imagine the best way to arrive in a new city?  How about a welcome party greeting you at the airport? A stream of buses to take you directly to your new university and a crowd of singing, dancing student waiting for you there. Imagine they had coffee and cakes and a place … Continue reading “Arrival Days 2022”

Jumpstarting your time at KTH

The time has come! With KTH Arrival Days this past weekend, most of you incoming international students have arrived and are finally settling in. I know there’s plenty to keep you busy, between moving in, getting set up in a new country, meeting new people… However, these early weeks are also an ideal time to … Continue reading “Jumpstarting your time at KTH”

New country, new normals & plenty to learn

While many of you are (or are soon to be) in the arrival process to Sweden, I’ve recently arrived in the US for a brief visit home. ‘Home’ for me is a small town of about 10,000 people on the west coast of Michigan. Since arriving, I’ve admittedly experienced a bit of reverse culture shock. … Continue reading “New country, new normals & plenty to learn”

An open letter to incoming international students (from a recent KTH graduate)

With August right around the corner, the new school year and all you incoming students have been on my mind. I remember how intense this period of time was for me two years ago. Like many of you now, I was packing my life into suitcases, saying some tough goodbyes, and beginning to make my … Continue reading “An open letter to incoming international students (from a recent KTH graduate)”