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The application manual: together step-by-step!

When applying to a new programme, gathering all the documents and following the requirements can feel frustrating in a new country. How excited are you to start a new chapter at KTH? Are you ready to open a new page? We will go together step-by-step through the application manual! First, you should select your master’s … Continue reading “The application manual: together step-by-step!”

Space Waves and a Tale: on exhibit at the main library

These days when passing by the KTH main library, there is an eye-catching booth right next to the main entrance. It is an event related to the Nobel Calling Week series: an exhibition about Hannes Alfvén titled “Space Waves and a Tale“. Born in 1908 in Norrköping, Hannes Alfvén was a Swedish electrical engineer and … Continue reading “Space Waves and a Tale: on exhibit at the main library”

A sneak peek of KTH Labs – Nobel Calling week

During the Nobel Calling week, it was possible to visit some of KTH Laboratories through organised tours. So, my friend Chengchien (WeChat blogger) and I decided to join two different tours and explore KTH facilities. Here is what we found! PDC Centre for High-Performance Computing PDC is the most powerful supercomputer in the Nordic Countries. … Continue reading “A sneak peek of KTH Labs – Nobel Calling week”

Before arrival in Stockholm and KTH

Today is 1 October 2022, and in the blink of an eye it has been one month and a half since me being in this stunning city and campus. I can still recall how I prepare for embarking on this life-changing journey not long ago. Getting prepared  No sooner had I received the notification of … Continue reading “Before arrival in Stockholm and KTH”

Getting started with Swedish banks

Opening a bank account should be one of your top priorities when arriving in Sweden, particularly if you’re staying here for more than one semester. In this blog post, I’ll give you a brief introduction to what you need to know about the Swedish banking system, along with my experience. Why open a bank account? … Continue reading “Getting started with Swedish banks”