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My first week in Stockholm

Today marks exactly two months and a half since I’ve moved to Stockholm. So, I thought of sharing my first week in the Venice of the North with you – let’s see if reality met expectations! My first week in Stockholm was jam-packed, stressful and hectic – but it was also fun, surprising and unbelievably … Continue reading “My first week in Stockholm”

Coping with Swedish winter

Hey guys, it’s Raygo here again, as the Halloween celebrations have just been over while November is taking over, which means winter is approaching. Being considered the most challenging season in Sweden, if not the entire Scandinavia, I would like to share some tips today that you may consider when coping with the Swedish winter. … Continue reading “Coping with Swedish winter”

Let’s go to Egypt for a seminar course!

Architecture students have participated in one-week workshops with Pharos University in Alexandria, Egypt. For the first time, we had an opportunity to apply for a seminar course in Egypt! What an adventure it was…I am not going to lie – it exceeded my expectations. KTH and Pharos University in Alexandria have organised workshops for students … Continue reading “Let’s go to Egypt for a seminar course!”

The best sitting-out areas on campus 

Hej, it’s Raygo again! As the exam period is almost over, I think it is high time to summarise my observations over the first half of the semester and my personal preferences for the most popular sitting-out area on campus for students at KTH. Maybe you will find one of them as your favourite spot … Continue reading “The best sitting-out areas on campus “

Where the magic happens

Follow me through our studio called architecture and daylight! I promise you that there is no boring day in the school of architecture… We spend most of our time here in the new architecture school, which has very few corners and 90 degrees angles! Only being surrounded by curvy spaces is exhilarating an you never … Continue reading “Where the magic happens”

Happy Friday and weekend plans!

TGIF and finally, it is Friday and the weekend again! Today I would like to share how I usually spend my weekends here in Stockholm. I hope this blog post will give you some insight into your weekend plans! What would be the best Friday activity, in my opinion? It must be hanging out with … Continue reading “Happy Friday and weekend plans!”