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Skiing Weekend in Åre

You may have seen a post I shared a few weeks ago about the KTH Outdoor Club and the different events they do. Well, last weekend I was lucky enough to get back out with this group to go on a weekend skiing trip. There are some great Swedish wintertime experiences that I could never … Continue readingSkiing Weekend in Åre

THS – Student Union at KTH

As an international student, you can be sure THS, the student union here at KTH, will have a big impact on your social life. So what is this group is and what do they do?  Well, of the many things I’ve been involved with in the past year in KTH, THS has been hosting, helping … Continue readingTHS – Student Union at KTH

Happy Semmeldagen! Semla hype: explained

The other day, as a friend and I were leaving the student union Nymble, we stumbled into a semla giveaway. One of the job fairs on KTH main campus had ended, and there were a few boxes of the traditional sweet buns leftover that they wanted to clear out. Getting a free semla was enough … Continue reading “Happy Semmeldagen! Semla hype: explained”

Fire & Ice: Skating at Facklornas Kväll

Winter in Sweden is a novel experience. Over the past few months, we bloggers have tried to convey many different sides of this, from experiences with the KTH Outdoor Club and trips to the north, to tips on how to thrive and why winter cycling is a thing here.  But there are plenty of things … Continue reading “Fire & Ice: Skating at Facklornas Kväll”

Queer & Here: Student Q&A

Sweden is known for being gay-friendly. Historically, it’s been an early adopter of laws and regulations to protect and enable the rights and opportunities of LGBTQI people, and it continues to work towards greater equality today. KTH shares this mission – one of its core pillars is equality, which encompasses gender equality and diversity. Things … Continue reading “Queer & Here: Student Q&A”

Winter Adventures with the KTH Outdoor Club

In the past few months I’ve been lucky enough to take part in some great winter experiences around Sweden thanks to the KTH Outdoor Club. This Outdoor Club is a student association that’s perfect for anyone interested in camping, climbing, hiking and all else ‘outdoorsy’. We are basically a big group of KTH students that … Continue reading “Winter Adventures with the KTH Outdoor Club”