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Studio Visit to Uppsala

Hi there, it is Raygo here today! Today I would like to share with you my recent studio visit to Uppsala, a city close to Stockholm in the north. This semester, I have been enrolled in a studio called “Housing Studio”, as the name suggested; we study different housing typologies in Sweden and try to … Continue reading “Studio Visit to Uppsala”

What happens after KTH? Coffee with graduates. Part 2

Hey there! This post continues my previous one about graduates and their stories about landing a job! I will share stories of my friends who got their jobs in Stockholm, and they love it here! The story of Leon To start with, Leon and I lived in the same building last year, and we used … Continue reading “What happens after KTH? Coffee with graduates. Part 2”

What happens after KTH? Coffee with graduates. Part 1

Hey there! When applying to KTH, some wonder what will happen after your graduation. What’s next? Should I stay in Sweden? I will share stories of my friends who have graduated from KTH and how they got their jobs. Sit back and enjoy! The story of Adi This morning, my friend Adi, from India, had … Continue reading “What happens after KTH? Coffee with graduates. Part 1”

KTH Innovation and Innovation Collide

Hej allihopa, it is Raygo here again! Have you ever thought of new ideas or plans you wanted to realize? As a curious person, I am always motivated to try new things and embrace new knowledge. Today, I want to show you around an event I recently attended: Innovation Collide, organized by KTH Innovation. Keep … Continue reading “KTH Innovation and Innovation Collide”

Research trip to Chicago: a conversation with an aerospace student

Hello everyone! Good news: I had a pleasant conversation with a friend of mine – Arnold, who is enrolled in MSc Aerospace Engineering at KTH. Arnold has participated in a two-week research project in Chicago. So, I am gonna tell you all about his exciting experience! Take a seat and grab some snacks. The programme … Continue reading “Research trip to Chicago: a conversation with an aerospace student”

Back to school – The spring semester begins

Hej everyone! As the new semester has just begun, it would be great to summarize the first week with you as a glimpse of what to expect during the spring semester. Daylight hours The first and foremost noticeable change about the Spring semester is we are getting more daytime here in Stockholm. Since the winter … Continue reading “Back to school – The spring semester begins”