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My study life at KTH 

I often tell you about leisure activities and fun things to do in Stockholm in my blog, but I haven’t shared much about my studies yet. Time to fix that and tell you more about my study experience at KTH.  My programme is called Media Management. It focuses on developing and marketing media products and … Continue reading “My study life at KTH “

Thesis Work at the Architecture Studio

The campus is alive once again. As the winter slowly turns toward spring, it seems the time of restrictions is over. In the architecture school at KTH main campus, this means all the students are back working together in our lovely curvy building. My classmates and I are now in our final semester of the … Continue reading “Thesis Work at the Architecture Studio”

Queer & Here: Student Q&A

Sweden is known for being gay-friendly. Historically, it’s been an early adopter of laws and regulations to protect and enable the rights and opportunities of LGBTQI people, and it continues to work towards greater equality today. KTH shares this mission – one of its core pillars is equality, which encompasses gender equality and diversity. Things … Continue reading “Queer & Here: Student Q&A”

Application Questions? Ask during tomorrow’s final live chat session

Finalize your application I hope the application process has been going smoothly for those applying! By now you should have submitted your application to University Admissions, the Swedish national application system. But don’t forget there are a few more steps to finalize your application. By February 1, 2022, be sure to: Submit required documents for your … Continue reading “Application Questions? Ask during tomorrow’s final live chat session”

Perks of Blended Learning

Like the rest of the world, Sweden has also been adjusting its restrictions and recommendations in response to the status of the pandemic. A very similar situation occurred last year at this time, and I remember wondering how it would impact my studies and student experience.  Over the Spring 2021 semester, blended learning (when courses … Continue reading “Perks of Blended Learning”

KTH Campus: hidden gems and history

In December, the digital student ambassadors were invited for a historical tour of the main KTH campus. We were introduced to towering heights, some clever architectural elements, and historical facts about the campus that most of us had never encountered before.  I appreciated the new perspective on what has become a very familiar setting. I … Continue reading “KTH Campus: hidden gems and history”