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My First Christmas in Sweden!

Hello everyone and God Jul! As an international student from India, celebrating my first Christmas in Sweden was an experience filled with wonder, warmth, and new traditions. This is how I spent my time during the holiday season. Feeling the festive spirit December in Sweden is akin to being transported into a whimsical storybook setting. … Continue reading “My First Christmas in Sweden!”

Top 5 Subway Station Art!

Did you know that Stockholm’s subway system is known as the world’s longest art gallery? In most stations, you can find a unique theme, beautiful paintings and interesting sculptures, making your daily commute an artistic journey. Join me as I rank my top 5 favourite subway stations art! My Top 5 picks: 1. Solna Centrum … Continue reading “Top 5 Subway Station Art!”

The Nobel Week!

Today marks the prestigious Nobel Prize Day, and the ceremony was truly spectacular! If you missed the live event, don’t worry – you can watch the entire ceremony at your leisure. Just follow this link: Nobel: Prisutdelningen The week leading up to Nobel Prize Day was equally thrilling! From December 2nd to 10th, Stockholm was … Continue reading “The Nobel Week!”

Student Well-Being at KTH

Studying at KTH, especially for those coming from abroad, brings a blend of exciting opportunities and unique challenges. It’s a journey that often requires significant adjustments, from acclimating to new academic environments to forming fresh social connections. In this blog, we’ll look at the student well-being services offered by KTH. It’s a Balancing Act: Students … Continue reading “Student Well-Being at KTH”

An Indian Student’s Perspective of the Swedish Winter

As a student hailing from the vibrant warmth of India, my first encounter with the Swedish winter was like stepping into a mesmerizing, yet challenging, wonderland. The Swedish winter is a tale of two worlds: the beauty that lies in its ethereal landscapes and the adjustments one needs to make to thrive in its chilly … Continue reading “An Indian Student’s Perspective of the Swedish Winter”

TEDxKTH Event about Artificial Intelligence

Hello everyone! I was lucky enough to attend the recent TEDxKTH Salon event that took place in the KTH Library. There was a lot of ideas shared and inspiring talks on AI’s Role in Art, Creativity, and Architecture. The event’s schedule was a blend of insightful talks, immersive experiences, and interactive sessions, inviting attendees to … Continue reading “TEDxKTH Event about Artificial Intelligence”