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KTH Application FAQ: 2024 Edition – part 2

Hello everybody and welcome to today’s post! Today, we are going to continue our FAQ on KTH application series! If you still haven’t read the first part I highly recommend you to do so! There is only one week left before the application closes, so let’s get started! What are the upcoming deadlines? You will … Continue reading “KTH Application FAQ: 2024 Edition – part 2”

A walk around Stockholm!

Hello everybody and welcome to today’s post – and my first post of 2024! I hope you have spent a beautiful time during Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I had fun with my friends and family while on vacation in Italy, and that’s also why I haven’t been very active on the blog recently. I … Continue reading “A walk around Stockholm!”

It’s Christmas Time on KTH Blog!

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! First of all, I’d like to wish you all happy holidays and a happy new year! Hope you are spending it with the people you love, having the best time 😊. In this festive period, KTH channels have slowed down a bit – but don’t worry, we’ll … Continue reading “It’s Christmas Time on KTH Blog!”

Commuting in Stockholm

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, I’d like to give you an overview of the different options that are available when it comes to Stockholm public transport. Getting around Stockholm is really easy and can even be fun, given that you get to experience some amazing views! Let’s get started 😀 The … Continue reading “Commuting in Stockholm”

KTH Application FAQ: 2024 Edition

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! As the application deadline approaches, we thought it could be a good idea to do a quick recap of the most important information you need to know to nail your application to KTH, Sweden’s best technical university! You will find plenty of links in this blog post, … Continue reading “KTH Application FAQ: 2024 Edition”

Get in Touch with KTH!

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! The application deadline is slowly approaching, and I remember having tons of questions at this time of the year while drafting my application! Therefore, I thought it could be interesting for you to read about the various ways to get in contact with KTH, ask questions, and … Continue reading “Get in Touch with KTH!”