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Why Studying Abroad in Sweden at KTH Might NOT Be for You

Hello everybody and welcome to today’s post! The sun is shining in Stockholm and Summer is getting closer: meaning that you are close than ever to starting your KTH journey! After discovering why studying at KTH might be for you, it is time to shed light on why it might not be for you instead. … Continue reading “Why Studying Abroad in Sweden at KTH Might NOT Be for You”

New at KTH? Here’s What Will Happen Next!

Hello everybody and welcome! If you are reading this post, chances are you have been admitted to KTH for your Master’s studies: so let me congratulate with you! You made it, and you took the first step towards your Swedish adventure: we will be happy to welcome you to KTH in August! This post will … Continue reading “New at KTH? Here’s What Will Happen Next!”

A Deep Dive into KTH Course Activities (and Vocabulary)

Hello everybody and welcome to this new blog post! Today, I want to talk to you about KTH vocabulary. While looking for the perfect Master’s programme in KTH website, you may have come across different terms representing course activities at KTH. Some examples are “lectures”, “seminars” and labs”. We thought it could be interesting to … Continue reading “A Deep Dive into KTH Course Activities (and Vocabulary)”

Cost of Life for KTH Students: Lorenzo’s Experience

Hello everybody and welcome to this blog post! Just like Sai and Sam did in the past weeks, I also want to discuss how much I spend in a month as a KTH student living in Stockholm. I had already written a post about my monthly expenses last year, but many things have changed since … Continue reading “Cost of Life for KTH Students: Lorenzo’s Experience”

Stockholm is frozen!

Hello everybody and welcome to today’s post! Today, I wanted to share with you some pictures of Stockholm in these days. It has been pretty cold lately, and the city looked enchanted below a layer of snow and ice! This winter has been the coldest of the last 25 years in Sweden, even leading to … Continue reading “Stockholm is frozen!”

The Application Period is Over – What’s Next?

Hello everybody and welcome to today’s post! Monday was the last day to submit your application to KTH – and I would like to congratulate with all of you who sent the application to KTH. Congrats, and good luck! Today, we will discuss what’s going to happen in the next couple of weeks, so stay … Continue reading “The Application Period is Over – What’s Next?”