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10 Days to Application Deadline – Some Tips!

Hej hej! future students of KTH! Wishing you a “Gott Nytt År”, which means “Happy New Year” in Swedish. As the application deadline of January 15th draws near, and with the document submission deadline on February 1st, I understand the mix of excitement and nerves you must be feeling. While there’s still time to refine your application, I’d like to offer you some valuable tips to make sure you’ve a complete and well-rounded application!

A night scene with a water body in the middle and two streets on either side, with festive lights all over
A beautiful scene from Västerås, Sweden

1. Re-read Your Programme Requirements

Before making any final touches to your application, it’s crucial to revisit the programme requirements. KTH offers diverse programmes, each with its specific prerequisites and expectations. Visit the programme specific page on the KTH website to see if you understood the requirements properly.

2. Proofreading and Peer-Reviewing

A well-written application is essential. After completing your application, take time to proofread it thoroughly. It’s also beneficial to have your letter of motivation peer-reviewed. Getting a fresh perspective from mentors, colleagues, or friends can provide valuable insights and identify areas that need improvement.

A bird's-eye view of multiple buildings covered with snow
A bird’s-eye view of the KTH campus

3. Create a Checklist

Organisation is key in the application process. Create a detailed checklist of all the documents required for each programme you’re applying to. This list may include transcripts, letters of recommendation, letter of motivation, CVs, and any additional programme-specific documents. Having a checklist ensures you don’t miss out on any critical component of your application.

4. Don’t forget to apply for scholarships

KTH offers various scholarships for international students and the deadline to these scholarships is also on January 15th. Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for these scholarships. Research the eligibility criteria and application deadlines, and make sure to include all necessary documentation for scholarship applications as well. (Link: KTH Scholarships)

5. Avoid Last-Minute Submission

Procrastination can be your worst enemy. Submitting your application early can save you from last-minute technical glitches or unforeseen circumstances.

Trees decorated with festive lights
A street in Sweden lit-up in the holiday season

6. Get Your Queries Answered

You can always ask us your queries and we’ll do our best to help you out. There are several ways in which you can contact us. Firstly, you can contact us in the comments section below this post, we always read your comments and respond to them as early as possible. Secondly, if you prefer chatting with us, there are some live chat events coming up:

The chat will be available at

11 January – 09:00-14:00 CET
12 January – 12:00-17:00 CET
22 January – 10:00-15:00 CET

You can read more about it here: Chat with KTH.

You can also email to for any queries related to the admissions process.

7. Stay positive and confident

Lastly, maintaining a positive mindset and confidence in your preparation is vital. Applying for a master’s programme is a significant step towards your academic and career goals. Trust in your abilities and the effort you have put into your application. Remember, confidence can be a key factor in your success.

A frozen lake with a decorated huge christmas tree in the background
Frozen Mälaren lake, Västerås

Applying for a master’s program can be challenging, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can increase your chances of being accepted. Focus on your strengths, adhere to the requirements, and put your best foot forward. Good luck!

Lorenzo’s post on KTH Application FAQ: 2024 Edition is a good start to review your application as he has listed multiple links in this single post.