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Student Well-Being at KTH

Studying at KTH, especially for those coming from abroad, brings a blend of exciting opportunities and unique challenges. It’s a journey that often requires significant adjustments, from acclimating to new academic environments to forming fresh social connections. In this blog, we’ll look at the student well-being services offered by KTH.

A pathway between buildings, with 'BIBILIOTEK' displayed on the left — a picturesque view of KTH campus
Behold the view in front of the KTH Library! Fun fact: The word ‘Bibliotek’ adorning the building is actually Swedish for ‘library’!

It’s a Balancing Act: Students frequently find themselves juggling intense study schedules, leaving little room for exercise or relaxation. It’s vital to remember the importance of taking breaks and engaging in recreational activities to maintain a healthy balance. KTH provides several services to promote the well-being of the students.

Student Health Services: Student Health Services are a cornerstone of support, complementing Sweden’s public healthcare and catering specifically to health-related issues students might face. The student health services provides nurse, therapists and counselling services. In addition to the individual help, there are several group activities and workshops that aim to provide knowledge and tools to promote your health. All activities are free of charge; examples include stress management, sleeping habits and how to prepare for exams.

A picturesque view of a person standing on a small bridge beside a lake.
Long walks surrounded by nature have become my go-to way to release stress and unwind.

Inclusivity and Safety: KTH provides resources and guidance on how to report and seek support in such situations, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all.

Insurance and Security: The university ensures that all its students are covered by personal injury insurance during school hours and direct travel between home and the university, adding an extra layer of security to their daily life.

Spiritual and Emotional Support: For those seeking confidential conversations about any aspect of their life, KTH’s Chaplaincy offers a listening ear. The conversations here are kept private, providing a safe space for students to express themselves.

A snow covered scene, focussing on an object which looks like wooden stairs covered with snow.
Blogging has helped me discover the beauty in life’s simple moments. I love capturing intriguing pictures to share with you all, and I must admit, it’s a rather therapeutic experience.

Spaces for Reflection: The Silent Room at KTH serves as a sanctuary for students seeking spiritual rest, contemplation, or meditation. It’s a space dedicated to providing a pause from the bustling campus life.

Each of these aspects forms an integral part of the KTH experience, emphasising the institution’s commitment to the holistic well-being of its students​.