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Tentapub🎃: KTH’s Post-Exam Halloween Bash!

Halloween is a time when the veil between the living and the dead grows thin, and at KTH, it’s also a time for students to let loose and celebrate in style. Just two days ago, the KTH Student Union (THS) organised a Halloween-themed party that was open to all, providing a much-needed break for students who had just completed a challenging exam week.

A pub hall with students enjoying the party, with a lot of colourful lights.
The exhilarating Tentapub party!

An Electric Atmosphere

The atmosphere at the party was absolutely electric, with students from all walks of life dressing up in their ghoulish best. From vampires to witches and zombies to superheroes, the campus was a riot of creativity and Halloween spirit. Among the many eye-catching costumes were two individuals who truly stood out – Walter White and Jesse Pinkman from the hit TV show, Breaking Bad. One of these remarkable costumes belonged to Marcus Loberg, a KTH student studying Robotics. Dressed as Jesse Pinkman, he embodied the character’s signature style, complete with a hazmat suit and beanie.

Two students at a party dressed up as popular TV show characters Jesse Pinkman and Walter White
Jesse Pinkman and Walter White!

‘I Feel Good Again’ Moment

When asked about how he felt now that exams were over, Marcus Loberg flashed a grin and said, “I feel good again”. Marcus had just wrapped up his exams for the course ‘Modelling of Dynamic Systems’ the previous week, and the tentapub party was his way of unwinding and making the most of the weekend. He shared that he planned to take relaxing long walks to de-stress after a hectic week of exams. 🚶

The Right Balance!

But Marcus wasn’t the only one finding solace and excitement at the THS Tentapub party. Many other students were also joining in the Halloween festivities, letting their hair down after a nerve-wracking week full of exams. It’s evident that KTH strikes the right balance between academic rigor and opportunities for students to unwind and enjoy themselves. The university’s culture fosters not only academic excellence but also a strong sense of community, where students support one another and create lasting memories.

Many More Events!

A spooky clown dressed up for Halloween
Halloween in Sweden (Credits: Sofia Sabel/

For more glimpses of the Halloween celebrations and other exciting happenings at KTH, be sure to check out our official Instagram page. There, you can find Sara’s exhilarating experience at a Halloween-themed theme park in Stockholm. She recounts her exciting adventure and the eerie atmosphere that courageously pushed her beyond her comfort zone.

I believe that the spirit of Halloween goes beyond a single night of festivities, and your stories can keep the eerie excitement alive. So, what’s your most unforgettable Halloween experience in your country? Share it with us and let’s keep the Halloween spirit going strong at KTH! 🎃👻 #KTHHalloweenMemories

Happy Halloween! May your days be filled with more treats than tricks!
