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Back to school – The spring semester begins

Hej everyone! As the new semester has just begun, it would be great to summarize the first week with you as a glimpse of what to expect during the spring semester.

The main campus has revived as students are coming back to campus

Daylight hours

The first and foremost noticeable change about the Spring semester is we are getting more daytime here in Stockholm. Since the winter solstice in mid-December last year, we have gained more than 1 hour of daylight per day. And this trend will continue until Midsummer in June, the time with the most sunlight of the year. This is good news for everyone as we can enjoy more time outdoors and refresh under natural light. However, on the other hand, I will miss the time enjoying all different kinds of winter sports with my friends and the Swedish Christmas vibe. In my next post, I will introduce more about the winter sports I have experienced with you!

Captured on Campus at Borggården at 4 pm today when the sunset began

Duration of the semester

Another difference between the spring and fall semesters is that we will have a slightly more extended study period for the former. There are usually two weeks of introductory and orientation during August, and study period 4 (the second half of the spring semester) is slightly longer than study period 2 (the second half of the fall semester); these factors account for the difference. For more information, you may refer to the KTH academic year schedule.

The orientation session on the first week of the master of architecture programme

The wide range of student activities on campus

One of the similar and best things about the two semesters is the various activities being organized throughout the study periods. One of the most renowned events for international students at KTH would be the THS International Reception which offers incoming students are chance to meet new friends and buddies during their stay here at KTH and to be introduced to our school and Stockholm. The reception runs twice a year during the fall and spring to serve as orientation for new students who begin their studies at KTH at different times. Also working under THS, the student union of KTH, THS Main organizes diverse activities, such as excursions after the reception ends. And more societies and clubs are awaiting your discovery!

Ice-breaking activities with the architecture students during my first buddy meeting for this semester

The above is just a glimpse of what the Spring semester will be like, and I am getting excited about all that is waiting for me ahead! For those who have just submitted your application, please don’t forget to check out Lorenzo’s new post about the application documents, as the deadline for submission will be around the corner on 1 February 2023, and his reminders are certainly helpful. Stay tuned with us about our unique moments at KTH this upcoming semester, and I look forward to seeing you all soon on campus in Summer!
