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Support COP27 on campus!

As some may know, this year marks the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27). And the main venue is in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 8 November to 17 November. KTH Climate Action Centre is also collaborating with We Don’t Have Time to host a hub on campus (Vallahallavägen 79), where a series of events will be held and serves as a platform for different stakeholders to share their views on climate change. Follow me and have a glimpse of what is happening in the hub!

The entrance to the COP27 hub on campus!

About COP27

As a global agenda, the UN has engaged almost every country for these annual international climate summits, known as the “Conference of the Parties” (COPs). For nearly three decades, world leaders and negotiators, experts, government representatives, businesses and citizens have been gathered for around one to two weeks of talks to put heads together for the sake of our planet under this special occasion.

Inside the hub where you can find the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals boxes

The KTH COP27 Hub

Being a world-leading technical and engineering university with a strong emphasis on sustainability, KTH is the ideal representative from Stockholm and Sweden for hosting the hub for COP27.

Inside the OpenLab is a space displaying boxes of the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals. Banners and pamphlets introducing the KTH Climate Action Centre and the organization We Don’t Have Time are also available for people who want to learn more about them. Further inside the building is the hall where the COP27 broadcast of the main event in Egypt is being held, where everyone can take a seat and interact with speakers from all over the globe about different climate change topics.

A live broadcast session is ongoing inside the hub

Apart from the live broadcast, workshops and events are organized simultaneously over the week. For instance, a round table discussion is going to be held tomorrow, and yesterday there was a Climate Fresk workshop. These are valuable learning opportunities beyond the classroom where students can engage in discussions with participants from other backgrounds to brainstorm ideas in the context of COP27.

I hope this blog post lets you know more about COP27 and the KTH COP27 hub, and stay tuned for more event updates on campus from us later on!


2 thoughts on “Support COP27 on campus!”

  1. I am so impressed and challenged by the information shared here and in the comments of your readers. I am working on a post for Education, as well, so it’s a timely visit. It is an important post, and I’ve not taken enough time to write it yet just thinking and researching so far.

    1. Hello Vincent,

      Thank you so much for your support! Yes, it is an important message to share, as climate change is related to every one of us as global citizens. Please stay tuned for more updates from us regarding sustainable development at KTH!


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