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Before arrival in Stockholm and KTH

Today is 1 October 2022, and in the blink of an eye it has been one month and a half since me being in this stunning city and campus. I can still recall how I prepare for embarking on this life-changing journey not long ago.

From there… (Hong Kong International Airport)
To here! (Stockholm Arlanda Airport)

Getting prepared 

No sooner had I received the notification of admission, and after the excitement in early April than I started the preparation work before coming to Stockholm and KTH. Namely, applying for a residence permit and KTH accommodation, looking for flight tickets, insurance, etc. Throughout the whole preparation process, I would say the webinars organised by both KTH and Study in Sweden have helped me by clarifying the questions in my mind and offered a schedule for the list of things I should have completed before arriving in Sweden. Therefore, I highly recommend you all stay tuned to these channels for updates and information!

Packing my suitcase

Most of the time, when travelling, I will prepare a checklist for the stuff I have to bring, and this is no exception. However, considering that I will be proceeding with a two-year master’s programme, the list is way longer than before. I have put into account, first and foremost, the entirely different weather conditions in Stockholm as compared to Hong Kong. For instance, in the latter, the average temperature of the coldest month is around 14 degrees Celsius. As for the former, it can be as low as -5 degrees Celsius. Thus, it was crucial to plan the clothes to bring with me, together with my laptops, camera and other necessary items.

Farewell to friends and family

After completing those mentioned above, it was the moment to say goodbye to my friends and family in Hong Kong. I always have mixed feelings when being at the airport and waiting for departure. On the one hand, I am excited about my new journey and the challenges ahead, but on the other hand, I have begun missing my closest ones. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to sharing my adventures in Stockholm and KTH with them, and hopefully, they are now checking out this blog post just like you all!
