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More deep tech startups needed

Is startup entrepreneurship in danger of losing technology depth? Maybe not, but some of the experts here at the World Founder Forum agree that there is a trending lack of research-connected business ideas. Or at least, they’re not getting the attention that the more low-tech ideas do. “More people are chasing the fast track … Continue reading “More deep tech startups needed”

DYI approach balances students’ passion with a career in challenging world

What do you do with an education if there are no jobs? You make your own. That’s the opinion of nearly a third of the students in the U.S. who face unemployment after graduation, says Michael Baum, an enormously successful tech entrepreneur (he founded Splunk) who is the driving force behind This is no … Continue reading “DYI approach balances students’ passion with a career in challenging world”

If you love startups, join us on Monday

What if you put 100,000 dollars in start-up funds on the table and asked students to come up with a business case for it? Better yet, what if those students were picked from the top talent at the world’s leading universities, and got to develop their ideas through a year-long mentorship program under the guidance of some of the world’s most successful … Continue reading “If you love startups, join us on Monday”

How noise in the brain is canceled by external noise

Spend enough time in the Arctic, and the featureless vista of white snow can eventually make you go blind. The reason is that if you stare into blank nothingness long enough, your brain shuts down your visual processing. Your eyes simply cease to carry the unchanging input. You may even start to hallucinate. It’s called … Continue reading “How noise in the brain is canceled by external noise”

Humanoid housekeepers? Be prepared to wait

From the moment the Jetsons’ robot maid, Rosie, smashed a pineapple upside down cake over Mr. Spacely’s head, I’ve looked forward to the day when humanoid housekeepers would inhabit our homes. But interacting with humans is harder work than it seems. So, we can forgive science for taking a bit of time with developing artificial … Continue reading “Humanoid housekeepers? Be prepared to wait”