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Mission launched into magnetosphere

Just a few hours before last night’s Magnetospheric Multiscale launch at Cape Canaveral, Per-Arne Lindqvist reported: “Keeping all fingers crossed.” Lindqvist, a space and plasma physics research scientist at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and his colleague, Professor Göran Marklund, were on their way to a reception for MMS mission scientists, engineers and managers, and their families, … Continue reading “Mission launched into magnetosphere”

Inside a major NASA mission, with two Swedish physicists

There aren’t many people from Sweden who get to do what Göran Marklund and Per-Arne Lindqvist are doing this week. Actually, I doubt there are any. The two Swedish space and plasma physics scientists are in Florida, holed up in scientific meetings with their colleagues on a 1-billion dollar NASA mission. By Thursday night in … Continue reading “Inside a major NASA mission, with two Swedish physicists”

Smart cars may free us from rush hour hell

Oh, to live in the future, where all the great ideas we have today actually are being used. Researchers from KTH’s department of Transport and Location Analysis and Center for Traffic Research have taken a look at what would happen if Stockholm had a fleet of 9,700 self-driving cars — cars that could be shared by people … Continue reading “Smart cars may free us from rush hour hell”

Getting ill-informed

It’s a tough call to make: it’s a work night and suddenly you’re feeling a little dizzy. A little tickle creeps into the back of your throat. Come to think of it, you’re feeling a little clammy too. Could be you’re coming down with something; but you’re not really sure about it. And what about that 9 a.m. meeting … Continue reading “Getting ill-informed”

Watch NASA briefing on mission that carries KTH instruments

Streaming on the NASA website at 3 p.m. EST today, you can watch scientists with the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission hold a briefing about the upcoming March 12 launch, which will send four spacecraft equipped with instruments designed at KTH into Earth’s orbit. The mission is to study magnetic reconnection around the Earth, a fundamental process that occurs … Continue reading “Watch NASA briefing on mission that carries KTH instruments”