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Stars of polymer science gather at KTH

Bones do a good job of repairing themselves, except when they can’t. When bones are broken beyond self-repair, doctors take pieces of the hip bone, specifically a part called the iliac crest, and graft it where it is needed. But there’s only so much iliac crest available, and the procedure results in years of pain. … Continue reading “Stars of polymer science gather at KTH”

Truck’s engine taps own heat for power

A 195-year-old discovery is the basis for a new system that will save vehicles hundreds of litres of fuel and reduce their carbon emissions by as much as 2 to 3 tonnes per year. Working with automotive manufacturer Scania, researchers from KTH Royal Institute of Technology have been testing semi trucks equipped with a system that converts … Continue reading “Truck’s engine taps own heat for power”

Rewinding a bike crash shows how helmets protect

What if you could go back in time and see exactly what would have happened if only you had done things differently? That’s what researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm did with three actual bike crashes in which the riders wore no helmets. This squirm-inducing video shows the impact on an adult male’s … Continue reading “Rewinding a bike crash shows how helmets protect”

Endangered fish need better PR to win over hearts

Atlantic halibut Bluefin tuna Acadian Redfish Orange Roughy Goliath grouper Winter skate Beluga sturgeon Bocaccio Rockfish European eel Maltese Ray No, that’s not today’s seafood menu. Although I wouldn’t blame you for wondering if it were, because, truth be told, it sure looks like one. And a pretty good one at that. What it is, in … Continue reading “Endangered fish need better PR to win over hearts”

Six reasons why foam packaging from biomass should replace Styrofoam

KTH researchers recently developed a method of using wood cellulose to create a material similar to Styrofoam. The product is patented under the name Cellufoam. So, why is this good news? Well, aside from it being an egregious waste of petroleum (this stuff isn’t going to last forever), polystyrene foam is just an awful material … Continue reading “Six reasons why foam packaging from biomass should replace Styrofoam”