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SOFT presentation at CoNEXT 2012

Maciej presented our SOFT paper at CoNEXT 2012 in Nice. The paper itself is available here. [db-video id=”unsxuqj6″]   The increasing adoption of Software Defined Networking, and OpenFlow in particular, brings great hope for increasing extensibility and lowering costs of deploying new network functionality.  A key component in these networks is the OpenFlow agent, a … Continue reading “SOFT presentation at CoNEXT 2012”

Our upcoming NSDI paper, “A NICE Way to Test OpenFlow Applications”

Our paper A NICE Way to Test OpenFlow Applications has been accepted at NSDI 2012 (joint work with Jennifer Rexford from Princeton University). The emergence of OpenFlow-capable switches enables exciting new network functionality, at the risk of programming errors that make communication less reliable. The centralized programming model, where a single controller program manages the … Continue reading “Our upcoming NSDI paper, “A NICE Way to Test OpenFlow Applications””