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Our upcoming HotSDN ’14 paper: “ESPRES: Transparent SDN Update Scheduling”

Our paper titled “ESPRES: Transparent SDN Update Scheduling” will appear at HotSDN 2014 in Chicago. Peter Peresini will present the work. Here is the abstract: Network forwarding state undergoes frequent changes, in batches of forwardingrule modifications at multiple switches.  Installing or modifying a large numberof rules is time consuming given the performance limits of current … Continue reading “Our upcoming HotSDN ’14 paper: “ESPRES: Transparent SDN Update Scheduling””

Presentation at EWSDN 2013 on the proposed changes to the OpenFlow API

Peter presented our paper on the proposed changes to the OpenFlow API at EWSDN 2013. The paper itself is available here.The slides are also available [db-video id=”y1ycninw”]   Software defined networks are poised to dramatically simplify deployment and management of networks.  OpenFlow, in particular, is becoming popular and starts being deployed.  While the definition of … Continue reading “Presentation at EWSDN 2013 on the proposed changes to the OpenFlow API”

Presentation at WRIPE 2013 on the ability of the network to compute

Peter presented our paper on demonstrating the ability of the network to compute at WRIPE 2013. The paper itself is available here. The slides are also available [db-video id=”i9w2afb0″]   Ensuring correct network behavior is hard.  Previous state of the art has demonstrated that analyzing a network containing middleboxes is hard.  In this paper, we … Continue reading “Presentation at WRIPE 2013 on the ability of the network to compute”

Our upcoming HotSDN paper: “OF.CPP: Consistent Packet Processing for OpenFlow”

Our paper titled “OF.CPP: Consistent Packet Processing for OpenFlow” will appear at HotSDN 2013 in Hong Kong. Peter Peresini will present the work. Here is the abstract: This paper demonstrates a new class of bugs that is likely to occur in enterprise OpenFlow deployments. In particular, step-by-step, reactive establishment of paths can cause network-wide inconsistencies … Continue reading “Our upcoming HotSDN paper: “OF.CPP: Consistent Packet Processing for OpenFlow””