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Collaboration for a better society

Collaborating with other universities is something KTH has done for a long time. Collaboration can take many different forms, but the aim is the same – to work together for a better society.

However, it is perhaps more important than ever to collaborate across disciplines, institutions, countries and expertise to find solutions to the complex challenges facing society.

Collaboration can, for example, look like the university alliance Stockholm Trio where we work together with Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University in education and research and where our differences can be said to be one of our strengths. We are different in both size and focus, but we complement each other and are all located in the science and innovation hub Stockholm.

This autumn, our new joint and international master’s programme in biostatistics and computer science will start, which will generate a wide range of skills among our students. Fortunately, the application pressure has been great and, like the previous joint master’s programme in life sciences, this type of investment definitely gives us a taste for more. Perhaps this mix of skills will be characteristic of future students from Stockholm when they are in demand in the global labour market.

Overall, the Stockholm Trio is one of the world’s leading universities with a total of 62,000 students and 17,500 employees. Together we account for almost a third of Sweden’s research and postgraduate education and almost 20 per cent of all students in the country. In addition, we are neighbours in Stockholm and have more or less contiguous campuses.

Another exciting collaboration is the one we have had with four other leading technical universities in the Nordic region for almost 20 years.  Nordic5Tech, or N5T, is a strategic alliance between KTH, NTNU in Trondheim, Aalto in Helsinki, DTU in Copenhagen and Chalmers.

These universities are scientifically similar and we share many challenges with them. We complement, strengthen and inspire each other in research, education and innovation. N5T offers, among other things, joint master’s programmes, student exchanges and a joint portal for courses in postgraduate education. KTH and Aalto, together with another seven universities, are also part of Unite!, which is part of the EU’s “European University Initiative” (EUI). Unite offers many opportunities for student exchanges and participation in programmes throughout Europe and international research collaborations. Together with more than 50 universities with a technical and scientific focus in Europe, we are members of CESAER. This is primarily a network for opinion formation, political monitoring and debate at the European level. In addition to all the fairly close cooperation that we have in Sweden, the Nordic countries and Europe, we also have strategic cooperation agreements with a limited number of universities around the world.

University collaborations are, as I said, important for KTH and I hope we can continue to develop these in a strategic way with clear purposes and effects.

Safety and security always come first

Many events and conflicts in the world around us attract attention, and from time to time there are demands that KTH as a university should take a position in favour for or against a particular conflict or geopolitical event.

The increasing polarization and the high tone of voice where the world is increasingly dressed in only black or white reinforces these demands. Campaign-like appeals on social media are becoming increasingly common, where the logic that if you are not in, you are against seems to apply. This type of discussion climate does not fit well with the researcher’s task of using facts to highlight several different perspectives and advocate different results as part of an academic dialogue.

I am well aware that these are genuinely difficult questions and, given the high standards in academia, there is a responsibility to create an atmosphere that encourages a free search for knowledge, free dissemination of knowledge and free debate. But at the same time, it is a priority that our students and staff feel safe and secure on our campuses regardless of where they come from and what their opinions are.

In our vision we write “Our academic freedom and our principles of openness and transparency are fundamental to the development of knowledge and democracy” and this can also serve as a guide in the difficult delineations that we may be forced to make when it comes to everything from taking positions in conflicts in other parts of the world or considering what is knowledge worth protecting in the new, more complex international environment.

In other words, balancing the aim of KTH as an open and internationalized knowledge arena on the one hand, and on the other hand a protected place where neither national security interests nor individual groups are harmed, is difficult and we should be aware that there are no simple, ready-made answers to all the questions that arise. Some starting points, however, are that we follow the government’s line in terms of foreign policy positions, internally we have an ethical policy and our vision and goal documents to relate to, we have a new security organisation and also a security protection analysis that has recently been carried out, and we have greater awareness throughout the organisation.

But what is crucial in everyday life is the safety and security of students and staff. If this is lost, we risk ending up in a culture of silence, which would be devastating for a university.

The legacy of Alfvén

A year ago, the opera ‘The Tale of the Great Computing Machine’, based on ‘The Tale of the Great Computer’ written by Hannes Alfvén in 1966, was a success at KTH. He was a KTH professor and Nobel Prize winner, and yesterday the various Nobel Prizes were awarded.

Working at KTH, which is full of talent and stars, makes me undeniably proud – soon our second Nobel Prize may be on its way – who knows?Hannes Alfvén received the prize in physics in 1970 and I have always been curious about him as a person. Who was he and what was his legacy to his alma mater?

To answer this question, a while ago I got my hands on a fantastic book “Tidens retorik”. It was written by Svante Lindqvist, a former professor of history of technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology who has long been fascinated by Alfvén.

I have not yet read the entire comprehensive volume – I will readily admit – but the picture of a highly committed and solid researcher emerges. He seems to have been genuinely curious not only about science but also about the society in which it operates.

To dare to be critical and see how various technological advances can also have a downside feels like a legacy from Alfvén. In addition to being an extraordinary scientist, he was also a committed social debater and eventually took a stand against nuclear power. It was a position that was not appreciated in all parts of society at the time, but which nevertheless shows his great integrity and commitment to contemporary issues.

Another commitment, if one may speculate, was as the bearer of KTH’s tradition of close co-operation and interaction with industry and society in general. Something that we carry on more than 80 years later in our strategic partnerships.

Alfvén apparently invented the trochotron whose patent was sold to LM Ericsson in 1946 for a sum that exceeded the Nobel Prize he received much later.

By the way, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in due time!

Renewal of skills gives hope for the future

The green transition was the theme of the Sweden Indo-Pacific Business Summit organised in Singapore in early December. As usual, it was noted that the threats to the climate are clearly verified in research and that the emerging threats require a transition at a faster pace than before.

The theme of the discussions was how research, innovation, education and talent hunting can, or must, contribute to the transition. As usual, all of us who attend these conferences say the right things, show an awareness of the problems, and then go home with the wrong priorities because there are so many other short-term problems on the agenda.

However, one hope for the future is that the younger generation, which was also represented, has a much stronger feeling and higher level of ambition regarding the need for change than the older generation as a whole. It is also encouraging to see how successful research actually contributes to the transition here and now and how innovative educational programs create the conditions for the gradual renewal of skills in society to work with broader systemic issues of importance to the climate. A lot is actually happening at the universities, not least KTH, which is of crucial importance for the future. Research and education are truly a factory of the future.

Climate is important, but the transition also involves many other things that are important for the sustainability of society. Energy efficiencies, new materials, new digital solutions and sustainable urban planning contribute in many different ways to conserving the planet’s resources and contributing to the green transition.

In addition to the high-level meeting, with a few hundred participants from Sweden and Southeast Asia, we also visited Nanyang Technical University (NTU) and A-Star in Singapore. NTU is an important and strategic partner to KTH and, like many Swedish companies, Singapore can serve as a hub for many other collaborations in the region. Our hope is to be able to expand the already successful postgraduate education cooperation with NTU and to also develop forms for a deeper collaboration with A-Star’s research lab, which in many respects has similar development agendas as we have.

Change leading to business development that strenghtens KTH

As many already know, KTH’s board has decided to relocate the current operations from Södertälje and Kista to KTH’s main campus and, as far as the basic year programme is concerned, to Campus Flemingsberg. It is a decision that arouses emotions and, in some cases, almost emotional storms.

The future is always uncertain, but we know that KTH’s position as a leading internationalised and successful university needs to be nurtured. It is essential to build the university in such a way that as many resources as possible can be used for education and research, that we have room for strategic recruitment within the framework of a well-thought-out career system, that our educational programme is designed to be attractive to foreign talent and that our successful work in attracting external competitive funding can be combined with ambitions for a long-term approach and a good working environment for our employees.

Part of all this is of course also how our physical environment should look and how we should distribute activities between our different campuses. This issue has also been put under extra pressure because economic realities and previous board decisions mean that we must find ways forward that involve a more optimised and lean use of our premises. But, and I have at least said this all the times the issue has been discussed, in order to make major changes that affect our campuses, the future picture must be shaped around goals that involve business development.

For both Södertälje and Kista, there are long-term advantages to a single location, and the Board has now confirmed the direction of further work. It is therefore time to start the more detailed work of planning how the Board’s decision will be realized. It is almost obvious that the details must come as a result of knowing the long-term goal.

KTH has important industrial partners throughout the country and also has structured strategic partnerships with 15 different private and public partners. Within the framework of these agreements, collaboration has also been established with large parts of KTH from our closest partners in Södertälje and Kista.

We intend to continue to develop this work and also to expand the partnerships through more targeted initiatives. KTH is also prepared to be on site in other ways than what the current model has entailed, for example via learning centre environments, for lifelong learning or with various demo arenas or similar.

The responsibility that falls to the university management and board is largely about creating conditions, resolving challenges that the various parts of the organisation cannot handle, supporting successful development efforts and taking up the major future issues for joint discussion and problem solving.

Right now, work is also underway to shape KTH’s business plan and multi-year development agenda both at the central level and within each school. When we have new faculty boards and faculty council in place, I hope that we will also have more forums for discussing our long-term future issues.

It goes without saying that change is difficult. But the fact that it is difficult does not mean that we can refrain from implementing the changes that we believe will lead KTH to a more favourable position in the longer term.