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Collaboration for a better society

Collaborating with other universities is something KTH has done for a long time. Collaboration can take many different forms, but the aim is the same – to work together for a better society. However, it is perhaps more important than ever to collaborate across disciplines, institutions, countries and expertise to find solutions to the complex … Continue reading “Collaboration for a better society”

Safety and security always come first

Many events and conflicts in the world around us attract attention, and from time to time there are demands that KTH as a university should take a position in favour for or against a particular conflict or geopolitical event. The increasing polarization and the high tone of voice where the world is increasingly dressed in … Continue reading “Safety and security always come first”

How about a long-term university policy agreement?

The other week, we submitted our input to the government’s research and innovation policy bill for next year. Two of the points we highlighted were the necessity of increased basic funds and long-term funding of the research infrastructure. As usual, the input from the different players involved reads much like a wish list, essentially requesting … Continue reading “How about a long-term university policy agreement?”

Discoveries that change the world

Seeing the joy, the jubilation is amazing. Recently,  Anne L´Huillier at Lund University,  got the news that she recieved the Nobel Prize in Physics in the middle of a lecture and then continued to lecture. Or the people behind the mRNA technology that won the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine. Imagine making a discovery that … Continue reading “Discoveries that change the world”