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Inspiring role models and funding models

Switzerland and the Netherlands are often cited as role models when various issues in the university sector are discussed, such as research performance, institutional autonomy, quality systems, funding or responsible internationalization. I have had the opportunity to visit technical universities in both countries on a couple of occasions this spring and last year. It is … Continue reading “Inspiring role models and funding models”

“We need all the tools”

The Minister for Higher Education made a statement on 9 April  that he would like to see fewer independent courses and especially fewer distance learning courses. Instead, he wants to increase programme courses for engineers and nurses, among others. The debate article attracted a lot of criticism and the Minister’s Saturday radio interview probably didn’t … Continue reading ““We need all the tools””

Diversity of background is the way forward

Who is the typical KTH student? I get that question sometimes and the answer becomes more and more obvious: It’s different. About a month ago, I had the opportunity to attend a meeting where those who work with the reception of students starting at KTH this autumn participated in workshops and lectures under the heading … Continue reading “Diversity of background is the way forward”

Wider playing field and courage important for deeptech research

Translating new, exciting ideas that can change society into practical solutions in everyday life is something KTH works on a broad front- not least with the help of KTH Innovation. A particularly interesting area for innovation is what is usually called “deep tech”. These are pioneering technology areas that require large investments in research and … Continue reading “Wider playing field and courage important for deeptech research”

Universities strengthen the resilience of society

What can Swedish higher education institutions contribute in the event of a crisis or war? This was a question I reflected on during a lecture at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA, in early February. International recruitment is one of our tasks where we need to include security checks of various kinds, export … Continue reading “Universities strengthen the resilience of society”