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Minister’s key words match KTH research

Excellence, internationalisation and innovation. These are Minister for Education Mats Persson’s key words for university policy. These are certainly words that resonate well with KTH and the way we work on a day-to-day basis, when the words are translated into action.

At a meeting in mid-January, the minister gave a brief programme statement on how he sees the future of education and research in Sweden. Swedish universities uphold high standards when it comes to research and its results, but a sharper focus on excellence is necessary if we are to remain at the forefront.

KTH works methodically in different ways to stay in the game and keep its position in the global competition, a prime example being our RAE (Research Assessment Exercise) that was completed a year ago. The results are very useful in continuing to develop our research, in terms of both the scrutiny of our research by external experts and ourselves, and recommendations on how we can take it to the next level.

The many strategic initiatives taken by KTH itself and jointly with other universities and research financiers guarantee continued excellence in our research. This goes for everything from the Science for Life Laboratory and Digital Futures, to KTH’s involvement in urban development and sustainable production, to name but a few areas.

Collaboration across national borders and disciplines is something we have consciously focused on for a long time, as the major societal challenges we are facing call for a wide range of expertise, perspectives and interdisciplinary research collaboration. One good example is our EU strategy: by taking part in Framework Programme 9 for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, we can influence the focus and future development of research. Our involvement in various international networks, such as our EUI alliance Unite!, also presents greater opportunities to deepen our international collaboration.

And of course, innovation fits KTH Innovation like a glove, whereby applied research that brings real benefits is a cornerstone for KTH. We have many examples where successful research has been translated into innovative business ideas, and we have a well-equipped support system for fostering innovations from students and researchers alike.

Once the government and the minister have concretised and more closely defined their key words, KTH looks forward to being an active discussion partner for future university policy, and indeed on the next research bill scheduled for presentation in autumn 2024.