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Prof. Maguire is now Prof. emeritus

On April 1, 2023 Professor Maguire became Professor emeritus connected to KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and on April 21 there was a ceremony in Stockholm to mark this event. Congratulations to Professor Maguire on a fantastic career that is nowhere near to being over!


PipeCache accepted at SIGMETRICS 2023

Similarly to multi-core CPUs, also network devices increasingly rely on parallel packet processing engines to achieve insanely high throughput (up to 16 pipes to process 50 terabits per second on a single chip). In our recent paper accepted at ACM SIGMETRICS, we unveil, quantify, and mitigate the impact of deploying existing network monitoring mechanisms on multi-pipe network devices. Our design, called PipeCache, allows to reduce memory requirements (a constrained resource on ASIC devices) up to 16x! A PDF of the paper is available here. Code is available here.

Ribosome accepted at NSDI 2023

Can one process the equivalent of 1 Tbps of traffic on a single server? In our NSDI’23 paper, we leverage disaggregation principles to push the boundary of what CPU-based packet processors can achieve in terms of throughput for a variety of network functions. For the paper PDF click here. This is a joint work with two visiting doctoral students from Roma tre University. All code is available here.

A video of Tommaso’s NSDI talk:

Alireza Farshin’s PhD Defense

We are very happy to announce that Alireza Farshin successfully defended his PhD thesis on March 6, 2023! Prof. Gerald Q. Maguire Jr. was  a superb co-advisor (as always!), and Prof. Mark Silberstein was a stellar opponent at the defense seminar. Alireza’s thesis is available online:

Realizing Low-Latency Packet Processing on Multi-Hundred-Gigabit-Per-Second Commodity Hardware: Exploit Caching to Improve Performance

This was a hybrid defense, so here is the Zoom screenshot plus an on-site image:


Alexandros’ licentiate defense

Congratulations to Alexandros for defending his licentiate thesis titled “Understanding the Capabilities of Route Collectors to Observe Stealthy Hijacks”! The supervisors are Marco Chiesa and Dejan Kostic. Thanks to the advanced reviewer Prof. Gerald Q. Maguire Jr., the special reviewer Prof. Alberto Dainotti, and the examiner Prof. Roberto Guanciale for their thorough work.

You can find more about Alexandros’ work by reading this thesis here.

From left to right: Roberto Guanciale, Alexandros Milolidakis, and Marco Chiesa.