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Giacomo Verardo’s Licentiate Defense

We are happy to announce that Giacomo Verardo successfully defended his licentiate thesis (licentiate is a degree at KTH half-way to a PhD)! As usual, Marco Chiesa has done an excellent job as a co-advisor, and we are truly grateful to Prof. Gerald Q. Maguire Jr. for his stellar insights. Dr. Maxime Sermesant was a superb opponent at the licentiate seminar, with Prof. Vlad Vlassov as the examiner. Giacomo ’s thesis is available online:


“Optimizing Neural Network Models for Healthcare and Federated Learning”


A few images from the defense and the celebration are below.

Giacomo presenting during the defense (image taken by Massimo Girondi).

Dejan congratulates Giacomo once Prof. Vlassov announced that Giacomo passed his defense (image taken by Massimo Girondi).

Dejan hands the traditional gift to Giacomo (image taken by Voravit Tanyingyong).

Group image with Networked Systems Laboratory members (image taken by Sanna Jarl).