Two project proposals led by Marco Chiesa and Dejan Kostić have recently been funded by Vetenskaprådet (VR, Swedish Research Council in English).
The first project is a Starting Grant with a single PI (Marco Chiesa), titled “ResoNet: Resilient Optimized Network Synthesis”, and funded with 4M SEK and running between 2022 and 2025. The project aims at developing new network synthesis methods that guarantee performance and robustness requirements.
The second project is a Project Grant with Dejan Kostić as PI, titled “Scalable Federated Learning”, and funded with 3.8M SEK. This project is a collaboration with three more co-PIs: Magnus Boman (KTH), Marco Chiesa (KTH), and Sabine Koch (KI). The project will allow our group to explore a new research direction and, more specifically, we aim to develop a highly scalable, flexible, extensible, distributed federated machine learning approach that can directly benefit public health and wellness.
See a list of all funded VR projects here.