From 1st of January ITM includes a seventh department (Institutionen för lärande) and our Department of Sustainable Production (HPU) has now moved to the brand new campus in Södertälje. Without these promising changes and developments we would have been the smallest of the five new Schools. Now we are next to smallest. Although growth is … Continue reading “ITM has become bigger and will continue to grow”
In week five next year KTH inaugurates together with Södertälje Science Park a brand new campus for our Department of Sustainable Production. The whole week is full if exciting activities and seminars. Here are just a few examples of the more than 25 topics covered: Open house in the new premises – come and have … Continue reading “Christmas vacation is close, but week five next year is as exciting!”
The ITM School will from January 1st be welcoming one more department – Department of Learning – which basically corresponds to the more academic part of the current ECE School. The remaining part is the KTH Library which will be organised under the central KTH administration. A working group including me, Arnold Pears (head of … Continue reading “Changes and planning”
On Thursday June 15 at 13.00 the ITM School has a joint Faculty Club and Summer celebration in M1. The main focus of the Faculty Club is to discuss the first draft of the KTH Development plan 2018-2023. You all have the draft now attached to the calendar invitation in your e-calendar. By the way, … Continue reading “Summer is approaching”
In an earlier blog I wrote something like this: In the last Research Assessment Exercise (RAE2012) the ITM School achieved reasonably good results, and in some cases best in class. A point that was made by one of the review panels was that we could gain a lot by better integration over department borders. In … Continue reading “Stepping up premises and infrastructure”