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PhD students’ survey and conference

The survey to all PhD students at ITM will be sent out very soon, hopefully on Monday. Please fill in the survey as soon as it arrives. Please also let us know if somebody should have received the survey but didn’t. We are currently checking the email-lists to all PhD students but there will probably be some errors.

The result of the survey will be presented and discussed at the PhD students’ conference. The theme of the conference will be Sustainability from different perspectives. Sustainability will be integrated in all the doctoral programs at KTH and the work has started with the development of an action plan for each program on how to achieve this. The invitation to the conference will also be sent out next week.

/ Malin Selleby, FA

Spring activities

Currently, the safety inspections are ongoing. So far the inspections at Deans Office, Industrial Economy and Management, Industrial Production, Machine Design and Materials Science and Engineering have been completed. We are currently waiting for the written statements from the inspections. However, so far we have noticed one very positive thing. All the remarks from the 2016 inspections have been corrected. Thus the department Heads and their personnel have worked actively to improve the work environment, which is extremely important to create an attractive and safe work place.

Professor John Ågren at the Materials Science and Engineering department will retire this year. Thus, his colleagues organized a two day conference at KTH last week. It attracted the attention from both a dozen of international experts in the field as well as researchers at institutes, companies and universities in Sweden. All speakers praised the contributions of professor Ågren to both research and education within the materials science field. In addition to the technical contribution, a dinner was organized at Sing-Sing.  For those of us that participated in the dinner it was a remarkable experience.  Some extremely talented girls from Adolf Fredrik school in Stockholm made a breath taking performance.  In addition to the music, many speakers wanted to thank John for his contributions to the materials science field and for his friendship. The most touching moment was when the current professor emeritus Mats Hillert announced that he, at the age of 92 years!, soon would step down from the emeritus position and to let John take over that prestigious position!

Finally, I wish to say that one specific sign of that spring is approaching is that the Annual step competition at KTH soon will start. The interest at different schools at KTH has increased compared to last year. Thus, this year the following schools will participate: ITM, CSC, ICT, ABE, and CHE. In addition, the university administration (UF) will also take part in the competition.  This year, a lecture on health will be held both in Swedish and English at the start of the competition. Thus, we hope that this can motivate more people to increase their exercise activities to improve their health. When all details are finalized, Anton Lagerbäck will send out detailed information to all of you.

Enjoy the sun and take some moments to admire the signs of spring in the nature!

/Pär Jönsson, Vice Dean

Review of administrative resources


The management administration within ITM is being reviewed. The purpose of this review is mainly to strengthen the administrative support in the academic line with maintained/lower overheads. As a first step, the School will open a new service centre on 1 April with a service desk in Maskinkvarteret and a service desk in Sing Sing.

This work has been pursued in project form, starting with an interview round to identify needs and preferences within the School. A reference group has been appointed for this.

Next step

Step 2 of this process is to review the administrative support linked to the School’s

  • Master’s programmes (60 and 120 credits) concerning the producer element
  • Competence centres


The Dean is starting two new projects to identify the needs that exist in relation to

  1. The School’s Master’s programmes (60 and 120 credits) concerning the producer element. Caroline Ahlstedt has been appointed project manager. The project will start immediately.
  2. The School’s competence centres. Sarah Golibari has been appointed project manager. The project will start immediately.

The projects will be run in similar form to the project concerning the School’s new service centre. Information about the projects will be available on the School’s intranet.

If you have questions, please contact:

/Christina Carlsson, Head of administration

GA Lundqvist signing off!

With the first half of the blog I would like to take the opportunity to thank all my colleagues at the ITM School for many years of collaborative efforts. The role of GA at the school is both rewarding and challenging for sure. It has been thrilling, frustrating, fun but always very meaningful. There is a unique tradition at the ITM School to strive for world class education in our program and I really have to thank all teachers and our educational administration for your efforts and everlasting ambition even when we struggled with external reviews, new programs, tight deadlines, loads of papers to sign and thousands of ambitious but impatient students.  This year campus Vallahallvägen becomes 100 years old. In 2019 IVA becomes 100 years old. One new project is therefore to highlight the role of engineers in our society over 100 years but also how the engineering profession and education has changed.  Since I have been GA at ITM for a substantial part of the 100 y period I have now volunteered for this project. All input is therefore welcome!

Since Anna Jerbrant is now taking over as GA I leave it to her to finish this blog post off. Take it away, Anna!

Thanks Pelle, but since you’re staying as vice GA we will be able to benefit from your extensive experience and knowledge a while longer. So who am I? I’m an associate professor at Indek and I’ve spent my days at campus KTH ever since the 90ties, when I became a student within the mechanical engineering program. For the major during the final one and a half year I choose Industrial economics and management, and by the time I graduated I realized that this was a subject area that I wanted to learn even more about. So I stayed at KTH as a Ph.D student and after that I’ve earned both a licentiate degree and a Ph.D degree within Industrial economics and management.

I have been teaching and developing courses here at KTH for a long time. This has resulted in the fact that I have taught on many different levels (basic, individual, advanced and executive level), as well as in various contexts (national and international, in academia and in industry), and in many different ways (giving supervision, coaching, guest lectures, seminars and being the course responsible teacher). Besides being a researcher and a teacher I have also been the program director (PA) for the I-programme (2010-2016) an exciting and sometimes grueling task. In 2014, KTH launched the pedagogical developers initiative, appointing part-time pedagogical developers among teachers from all schools of KTH. During the first year I had the pleasure of being one of five PDs at the ITM-school. Being part of the work to set up a community of practice with all involved teachers that was form during this period was enthralling.

So from march 1st I will have the opportunity to engage in all educational issues that are ongoing at the ITM-school, for the moment with some particular interest in the areas of quality assurance through course and program evaluations, changes in education due to digitalization (f.i. flipped classroom pedagogics), design of program integrated courses and pedagogical faculty development.

/ Per Lundqvist & Anna Jerbrant, GA

Changes to the KTH School organisation

The KTH Schools are rather different in size and also in balance between education and research. It might also be that some schools could benefit from more integration between subject areas. With this as a background, our rector Sigbritt Karlsson, took yesterday some important decisions about the future organisation of KTH. The dean of the BIO School will coordinate an investigation towards integration of the three schools BIO, CHE and STH. Similarly, the dean of the ICT School will coordinate an investigation towards integration of the three schools ICT, CSC and EES. The dean of the ECE School will investigate/propose how the ECE School should be organized in the future.

The three Schools ITM, SCI and ABE will not be directly affected, a fact which should be interpreted such that these schools are of reasonable size and with a good balance between education and research. The time plan is such that a new KTH organization should be effective from January 1, 2018, which also means that the period of mandate for the current school deans, vice deans and strategic councils are extended to December 31, 2017. In line with making the KTH schools more similar in size and structure, and with focusing on quality, the rector has also decided to investigate and propose new role descriptions for the posts as GA, FA and PA. For more information about the organisation changes please refer to:

Jan Wikander, Dean of School