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Nominate a candidate for our Head of school

Nominera hen till skolchef

Vem vill du se som skolchef för ITM från och med nästa år? Har du tänkt tycka till är det brådis – den 16 oktober ska alla förslag vara inne.

För du vet väl att vi som är anställda på ITM kan nominerar en eller flera personer – eller oss själva – till skolchefsrollen.  Givetvis finns det vissa minimkrav för att vara behörig som skolchef, till att börja med bör du exempelvis vara professor eller lektor. Ja, därmed kommer inte jag själv på fråga.

Nomineringskommittén har fler önskemål på sin lista:

  • Framgångsrik erfarenhet av ledarskap över större enheter med arbetsmiljö och personalansvar (som skolchef, vice skolchef, prefekt eller motsvarande)
  • Professor/lektor på docentnivå med forskningsledarerfarenhet
  • Uppvisa formell ledarskapsutbildning av omfattning
  • Visad god förmåga att arbeta med visioner och strategier att utveckla skolan och KTH
  • Visad god förmåga att genomföra förändring och kunna fatta beslut
  • Visad god samarbetsförmåga inom KTH, mellan skolor, med KTH:s ledning och studentkåren
  • Legitimitet och integritet, förmåga att representera KTH externt
  • Ska kunna presentera en vision för aktuell skolas utveckling inom utbildning, forskning och samverkan med samhälletNomineringskommittén består av en permanent nomineringsgrupp för skolchefstillsättningar inklusive representanter från ITM-skolans strategiska råd. Kommitténs uppdrag är att ta fram ett förslag på ny skolchef till rektor som sedan är den som väljer ny skolchef för ITM.

    Skicka ditt förslag senast den 16 oktober 2019via mail till Glöm inte använda den mall som har skickats ut.



Who would you like to see as Head of school for ITM from next year? If you want to have a say, there’s still time – but just. The deadline for your candidate is October 16.

I hope everyone’s aware that all ITM employees can nominate one or more person – or ourselves, for that matter – as the Head of school. Naturally, there are some minimum requirements to be qualified as a school principal. To begin with, for example, you should be a professor or associate professor. No, so I do not qualify.

The Nominating Committee has more requests on its list:

  • Successful experience of leadership across major units with work environment and personnel responsibilities (such as Head of school, Vice head of school, Prefect or equivalent)
  • Professor/Associate Professor at docent level with research leader experience
  • Demonstrate formal leadership training of scope
  • Demonstrated good ability to work with visions and strategies to develop the school and KTH
  • Demonstrated good ability to implement change and be able to make decisions
  • Demonstrated good collaboration skills in KTH, between schools, with KTH’s management and the student union
  • Legitimacy and integrity, ability to represent KTH externally

The nomination committee consists of the permanent nomination group and representatives from the ITM School’s strategic council. The committee’s mission is to produce a proposal for a new Head of school to presented for the President, Sigbritt Karlsson, who makes the final decision.

Nominate your candidate no later than 16 October 2019 via email to Don’t forget to use se the template with motivation for your proposal/nomination that was sent out earlier.

/Christina Carlsson, Head of Administration at ITM

Let me introduce IRIS

Dear colleagues,

During spring 2019 I was contacted by the ITM management group, asking if I was interested in taking on the role as acting deputy head of the ITM School during the fall 2019.
The role involved a new ingredient. Added to the duties, there was a need for an explicit management role for coordinating research. Finding this a very interesting opportunity I accepted.

Under the leadership of Jan Wikander, the ITM management paved the way for a new overarching Research Initiative on Sustainable industry and society, raising funding in the order of 20 MSEK/year up to and including 2022. This initiative has as a main goal to create strong research environments at the ITM school, focused on achieving the mission stated in the ITM development plan. A key aspect of that is to stimulate and create new cross-department collaborations. The main goals, and the four areas part of this initiative, were set out in the ITM development plan.

One of the first things I did was to give the initiative a name – we now call it IRIS – the ITM school overarching Research Initiative on Sustainable industry and society.

IRIS represents a unique and probably unprecedented opportunity to proactively establish the ITM school at the forefront in addressing research on sustainable industry and society.

At the same time it’s important to coordinate and interact with other initiatives, for example the new KTH Industrial transformation platform led by Monica Bellgran. How can we leverage and create synergies between these multiple efforts.

Communication and involvement regarding IRIS is extremely important, and shortly we will create a web page that describes the IRIS initiative and how you can engage.

In the short term, do not hesitate to contact me, or one of the area coordinators as follows:

– Area 1: Industrial transformation through digitalization, renewable energy and circular economy; Antonio Maffei, IIP/Elena Fersman, MMK

– Area 2: Integrated mechanics, components and materials design, including additive manufacturing; Greta Lindwall, MSE/Raquel Lizarraga, MSE

– Area 3: Sustainable energy systems, infrastructure and business; Andrew Martin, EGI/Frauke Urban, Indek,

– Area 4: Innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems and infrastructure; Jennie Björk, MMK/Anders Broström, Indek

And I very much encourage you to read the ITM development plan. You find it here:

Martin Törngren, acting deputy head of school

Sign up for a course in Teaching and Learning

It’s a joy that the autumn term of 2019 has started, that our P1 courses is up and running and the welcome reception of newly admitted students have enriched our views on campus.

There are several new and important educational issues affecting the coming semester that is worth emphasizing. For instance, there are several courses in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education available for the academic year 2019-2020 (both in English and Swedish). One example is the Basic course LH231V (7,5 credits) but there are also continuation courses (see examples at the end of the post).

Since these continuation courses cover several important strategic aspects I highly recommend that as many of us as possible attend them. You can find an overview of all courses in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education through the link.

Focus on special needs

I also hope you all have gotten information on the President’s decision about a new procedure for support to students with special needs during examination? I have discussed this new guideline with all the Head of studies at all ITM departments and based on that we concluded a recommendation for all ITM examinators on how to manage the changes specified in the new regulations in the best way possible. I hope you all have gotten that information from your departments Head of Studies, otherwise let me know so that we can increase the communication. J

Examples of continuation courses

LH215V Learning for Sustainable Development, 4,5 credits
LH216V Att utveckla lärandet med betygskriterier, 1,5 hp
LH216V Develop the Learning by Using Grading Criteria, 1,5 credits
LH217V Att leda utbildningsutveckling, 3 credits
LH219V Supervision and Assessment of Degree Project Work in First and Second Cycle, 3 credits
LH225V Genus och jämställdhet I högre teknisk utbildning, 4,5 hp
LH233V Teaching and Learning for Challenge Driven Education in a Global Context, 3 credits
LH235V Global competence for teachers in higher education, 3 credits
LH238V Digital Learning in Higher Education, 4,5 credits (information will be published in February 2020)

/ Anna Jerbrant, Director of First and Second Cycle Education

New leadership at ITM and welcome back

Dear colleagues,
I wish to welcome you back from your vacations. I hope that all of you now have returned with an extra boost of energy so that you are ready to continue your work tasks in a successful manner!

As you all know by now, the President has initiated a process to select a new Head and Deputy Head of the ITM School. A committee consisting of participants from both KTH and ITM will be formed. The goal is to select the new leadership during the autumn so that they can start their positions in January 2020.

The President has appointed me as a Acting Head of School and Martin Törngren as the Deputy Head during the period of July 1 to December 31. Martin’s focus will be to lead an integrated research initiative that the ITM Management group has decided on earlier this year. I will let Martin explain more about this in his own blog.

My job will be to carry out the Head’s tasks in a similar way as was done by the previous one. This means, for example, that every second Tuesday I will meet the Head of Administration Christina Carlsson, the Director of First and Second Cycle Education (GA) Anna Jerbrant, the Director of Third Cycle Education (FA) Malin Selleby, and the Responsible for the research initiative Martin Törngren. The purpose with these meetings is mainly to prepare relevant questions that we will discuss in the ITM Management group, which also are held every second Tuesday. The Management group also consists of the Department Heads, the responsible for the faculty and a student representative.

I also wish to inform you about a couple of activities that will take place during the fall:

  • The salary negotiations between managers and employees will take place in September.
  • The quality system for the education at KTH will be evaluated. We will inform you more in detail later. Now we now that the dates for evaluations will be October 1 and November 25 to 28.
  • The preparations for the assessment of the research (RAE2020) will start. This event will take place late August 2020.

Pär Jönsson and his son in the Jededia Smith’s Redwood State Park Finally, I wish to share some of my summer activities. The most amazing thing I did during the vacation was the visit to Jededia Smith’s Redwood State Park, where a Star Wars movie was filmed. It is a fantastic feeling to take a walk in such a forest full of very tall trees that are more than 2000 years old. I strongly recommend a visit to a Redwood park if you get a chance!

/Pär Jönsson, Acting Head of School

Thank you and best wishes for the future!

First of all I would like to thank all of you for all the good work during my years as the Head of ITM – it has been a very interesting period, challenging at times, but overall very rewarding. I was overwhelmed by the celebration on May 14, all the participants, all the presents, all the songs, all the speeches and poems, and last but not least, the toastmaster. And the movie, what a remarkable production: the overall orchestration, the comfortable storyteller, the rejoicing chorus of happy administrators, and all the nice words from colleagues. Thank you all!

On the research side, coordinator pairs have now been appointed to lead the four new School overarching research initiatives for which the School has allocated dedicated research funding. The overall effort will be supervised by our new Deputy Head of School Martin Törngren. The areas and the coordinator teams are:

  • Industrial transformation through digitalisation, renewable energy and circular economy.
    Coordinated by Antonio Maffei, IIP and Elena Fersman, MMK.
  • Integrated mechanics, components and materials design including additive manufacturing.
    Coordinated by Greta Lindwall, MSE and Raquel Lizarraga, MSE.
  • Sustainable energy systems: Technical and business perspectives.
    Coordinated by Andrew Martin, EGI and Frauke Urban, Indek.
  • Innovation eco-systems, innovation management and entrepreneurship.
    Coordinated by Jennie Björk, MMK and Anders Broström, Indek.

I am sure that Martin Törngren will come back soon with a blog post with more details and strategies for these efforts.

Finally, I am convinced that the new School head team, Pär and Martin, will continue in a spirit of engagement, collaboration, innovation, equality, inclusion, good working climate, and most importantly environmental sustainability. In case the new management team runs into unforeseen challenges, I will leave some literature on my office desk that might be of help in tricky situations. A few example titles are:

  • Crisis management, Public Leadership under Pressure
  • Our Iceberg is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions
  • Organisatorisk resiliens – Vad är det som gör företag och organisationer livskraftiga?

Good luck Pär and Martin! And Pär, the gavel I handed over at the festivities, and which was once handed over to me by Bengt, might come in handy in critical situations.

I wish all the best for ITM in the future!

/Jan Wikander, retiring Head of the ITM School