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Testing new ways of examining knowledge in the master program

A new examination idea Many teachers at the ITM School often think of new ideas on how to examine the required knowledge in a course, and I am one of them. I wish to share some recent experiences. Together with my colleague Assistant Professor Björn Glaser we teach in the course Advanced Process Science. The … Continue reading “Testing new ways of examining knowledge in the master program”

Celebrating 200 years of education in Materials Science and Engineering!

Dear all, This time I wish to tell you about the importance of 2019 for MSE, ITM and KTH. We celebrate that it is now 200 years since the King Karl XIV Johan laid the foundation for higher technical education in Sweden through the decision to establish Bergsskolan in Falun. This was later moved to … Continue reading “Celebrating 200 years of education in Materials Science and Engineering!”

Industrial collaborations – focus on faculty

In my last blog I discussed how we could collaborate with industry. I wish to continue on the same theme this time. However, now taking the perspective of a person that is working in industry. How can such a person be part of KTH? There are two main ways, namely an affiliated faculty or an … Continue reading “Industrial collaborations – focus on faculty”

Collaboration with industry – a days experience in Avesta

Collaboration with industry is one of the important factors for a successful technical university. This can take place in so many ways as I experienced yesterday when I visited Outokumpu Stainless in Avesta. I had three meetings planned: 1) a discussion about how we could use slag as a replacement for lime in a neutralization … Continue reading “Collaboration with industry – a days experience in Avesta”

Collaboration to Reach Excellence in Education, Research and Ranking

During November 6-7, eight universities from Japan, Korea, China, Canada,Taiwan Germany, France and Sweden met in Sendai in Japan to discuss the possibilities to collaborate to reach excellence in education and research. The event was arranged by Tohoku University who has an overall aim to reach a top 10 ranking in the fields of Spintronics, … Continue reading “Collaboration to Reach Excellence in Education, Research and Ranking”