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An interesting period to come

Yesterday there was an award ceremony to thank our president Peter Gudmundson for his 9 years at the rudder of KTH. Labans Hage – the small area between Brinellvägen 8 and 10 – was renamed in Peter’s honour to Peters Hage, and a nice piece of art was installed reflecting Peter’s background as an elite … Continue reading “An interesting period to come”

Summer vacations are approaching…

… with some good news. Already in my last blog post we celebrated a prestigious research contract with SFF in the area of material science. Now it is time to celebrate the next: our VINNEX centre Hero-m, also in the area of material science, has succeeded in securing an additional five years of substantial funding … Continue reading “Summer vacations are approaching…”

Substantial new funding to Material Science and a KTH initiative on circular economy

First and foremost we should congratulate Professor John Ågren and the MSE Department for the new research contract with SSF. The title of the funded project is “Sintring av inhomogena strukturer för förbättrad prestanda” and the total project budget is 31 million SEK. Congratulations! KTH takes now a number of integrated initiatives that go across … Continue reading “Substantial new funding to Material Science and a KTH initiative on circular economy”

The ITM basic values, a new education program, a new kind of centre

Two weeks ago ITM handed in our application for a new BSc in Engineering program to the Faculty council. This new program within the area of industrial maintenance and reliability is the second new program to be established as a result of our extensive developments in Södertälje. The final naming of the program is not … Continue reading “The ITM basic values, a new education program, a new kind of centre”

A milestone to be reached this week!

I was about to dedicate this blog piece to the fact that the team behind the development of our campus in Södertälje will reach a major milestone this week, but I did not need to because our president has already highlighted it! See the president’s letter. A few names are mentioned in the weekly president’s … Continue reading “A milestone to be reached this week!”