The external revision of KTH and ITM to determine if we meet the environmental standards described in the Swedish standard ISO 14001 took place on April 16-20, for the ITM school. At the end of the revision week, it was clear that KTH passed the revision. I cannot refer to the whole document, but I wish to share some good examples from ITM that was highlighted in the revision document:
- Minor field studies in the education, especially at INDEK (Anna Jerbrant)
- Movie on “not another brick in the wall” illustrating the production of bricks and gases from landfill waste (New Mine – Weihong Yang project leader)
- Digital information in form of youtube movies by, for example, Mikael Ersson
- Documentation of impact of projects leading to an improved sustainability (Adde Jeihouni and Charlotte Flodin )
Many people were involved in the work with the external revision, but I especially wish to thank Adde Jeihouni and Charlotte Flodin, who were responsible for the preparation and administrated of the ITM revision work. They did it in an excellent manner!
As I have discussed before, new Docents are important for ITM since they increase the number of people that can act as main supervisors.
Pavel Ramirex Lopez from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering has become a Docent in Casting. On Friday April 13 he held a Docent presentation entitled “Casting Research at Swerea MEFOS: Past Activities, Present Challenges and Future Perspectives”. The audience were close to 70 people, since it was held in connection to department meeting organized by the Department Head Annika Borgenstam. Docent Ramirez is employed by Swerea-Mefos, but after becoming a Docent he will participate in both research and teaching at KTH.
Pernilla Ulfvengren from the Department of Industrial Economics and Management has become a Docent in industrial technology focusing on socio-technological systems. On Friday April 20 she held a Docent presentation entitled “Safety and change in sociotechnical systems”. The audience were 20 people mainly from the department.
Finally, I want to say that it was marvelous to finally get some sunny weather. I hurried up to plant potatoes in buckets and two new cherry trees in the ground. I could not wait any longer for the spring to come, after this long and cold winter!
Pär Jönsson, Vice Head of School