We are in the middle of the second period of this academic year, the days are filled with teaching and research activities at the same time as the daylight is becoming shorter and shorter. But luckily the advent season is coming up, which means that we are allowed to start hanging up advent candelabra and some Christmas decorations. This is something at least I enjoy very much.
When it comes to educational issues I attended a very interesting seminar yesterday arranged by vice dean Per Berglund. The focus for the seminar was on the work that is being done to develop KTH’s quality assurance system according to national and international requirements. We all got a brief overview of national requirements and European guidelines for quality assurance of higher education as well as an overview of how the Sci-school works to develop KTH’s systematic quality work in a collegial and efficient manner. This was very interesting and gave good insights for the work that we all have to do next year. We will discuss this from a ITM-school perspective on the faculty club on December 18th, so I hope you all can participate then.
Finally as part of the public debate that has been ongoing, I hope you all read the blog of our President Sigbritt Karlsson where she shares these words with us, and I will let them be the final saying in this weeks blogg:
At KTH a good work environment is something we need to protect on a daily basis. This particularly concerns harassment, for which there is zero tolerance. In its Diversity Policy, KTH has stated that all forms of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation are subject to zero tolerance. This is what is applicable, and all deviations from this must be dealt with. In this way, we can maintain an attractive environment for both work and study that encourages creativity in education, research and collaboration.
/ Anna Jerbrant, GA