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CfP: European Energy Shortages during the Short Coal Age (1860-1960), online at KTH

Aliaksandr Piahanau and Per Högselius are organising an online workshop based at our division at KTH on 1 February 2023. Our colleagues are inviting scholars from around the world to discuss the “European Energy Shortages during the Short Coal Age (1869-1960)”. Of course, the workshop hits the zeitgeist, as current rearranging energy systems take discussions … Continue reading “CfP: European Energy Shortages during the Short Coal Age (1860-1960), online at KTH”

Coming up: Higher Seminar Series in Spring 2022

Gott nytt år! – Happy New Year! After snow-induced Christmas and winter holidays, the division is slowly but surely bustling back into busy work mode. Our Higher Seminar Series, the colloquium of our division, starts again in two weeks. We are very glad to announce that Aliaksandr Piahanau, Wenner-Gren postdoc at the division, will be … Continue reading “Coming up: Higher Seminar Series in Spring 2022”