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The metaphor of ocean “health” is problematic

Susanna Lidström (researcher at KTH), Tirza Meyer (postdoc at KTH) and former division’s PhD-colleague Jesse Peterson (now postdoc at Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet) have published an exciting opinion piece about our approach towards the ocean in the context of climate change and increased pollution. The authors argue that the health metaphor would be problematic in regard to … Continue reading “The metaphor of ocean “health” is problematic”

Erik Isberg on “Jorden. Vår planets historia och framtid”

Division PhD-colleague Erik Isberg (SPHERE Project) has published an exciting review of “Jorden. Vår planets historia och framtid” (by Johan Rockström and Owen Gaffney) in Expressen Kultur on 24 January 2021. In the following we present a translated summary: Erik Isberg: Will the climate lead Jeff Bezos to vote left? Climate scientist Johan Rockström and … Continue reading “Erik Isberg on “Jorden. Vår planets historia och framtid””

Melina Antonia Buns joins the Division!

Nuclear-historical research at KTH is expanding! We are happy to announce that Melina Antonia Buns has joined us as a visiting post-doc researcher, based on a collaboration between NUCLEARWATERS, KTH’s Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment and The Greenhouse at the University of Stavanger. Melina was recently awarded a major research grant from the Norwegian Research Council, … Continue reading “Melina Antonia Buns joins the Division!”

Coming up: Higher Seminar Series in Spring 2022

Gott nytt år! – Happy New Year! After snow-induced Christmas and winter holidays, the division is slowly but surely bustling back into busy work mode. Our Higher Seminar Series, the colloquium of our division, starts again in two weeks. We are very glad to announce that Aliaksandr Piahanau, Wenner-Gren postdoc at the division, will be … Continue reading “Coming up: Higher Seminar Series in Spring 2022”

Wrapping 2021

The year 2021 is coming to an end and this blog will have some well deserved vacation over the holidays. But before we go all  in Christmas, let us look back on some of the great things that happened at the Division this year! While a few colleagues left us for other adventures, we welcomed … Continue reading “Wrapping 2021”

Beyond Unprepared and Sustainability’s Formative Moment – Formas’ Grants Two New Projects

Division researchers Fredrik Bertilsson and Eric Paglia recieved funding for four years each in the Formas Annual Open Call 2021 – Research projects for early-career researchers. In 2022 the Division looks forward to two new projects: one on humanistic expertice and knowledge and one that question the earlier periodization of the sustainability narrative. Summary Beyond … Continue reading “Beyond Unprepared and Sustainability’s Formative Moment – Formas’ Grants Two New Projects”

Exploring nuclear Germany

This text was first published by Per Högselius on the Nuclearwaters-Blog on 3 December 2021. Exploring nuclear Germany As the most recent wave of the corona pandemic rolls in over Europe, it seems that much of the past summer and autumn was a narrow window of opportunity for international travel. I now feel happy that … Continue reading “Exploring nuclear Germany”

Workshop “Climate challenges and the arts: urban time scales, inclusion and future flexibility” @Färgfabriken

​How can European cities prepare for climate challenges ahead? In what ways can co-creative processes between art, science and engineering contribute to novel solutions? These are some questions discussed at the workshop organized in the context of the H2020 initiative “SOS Climate waterfront” aiming at exchange between European cities on urban climate challenges and crafting strategies for future actions.  Text and Photo: Katarina … Continue reading “Workshop “Climate challenges and the arts: urban time scales, inclusion and future flexibility” @Färgfabriken”

”Två fel gör inte ett rätt” – How China is taken as an argument to not act for the climate

Nina Wormbs, Professor of History of Technology at the division, has published an article relevant in the context of the recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in the daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter on 17 November 2021. In the following we will present a short summary of its main points in English, while you can read … Continue reading “”Två fel gör inte ett rätt” – How China is taken as an argument to not act for the climate”

Where do we publish?

As a division, we publish a lot in many different outlets. Klara Müller, Linus Salö and Sverker Sörlin have compiled the following discussion of our publication pattern in our last Biennial report, which you can find here. Trends in Publishing The following section is dedicated to an analysis of the Division’s publication patterns and is … Continue reading “Where do we publish?”