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From Anthropocene Historiography to a New Understanding of The Present Ecocrisis

Postdoc-colleague Adam Wickberg has published a new article with the title “Reconfiguring Temporality in the Anthropocene. Coloniality and the Political Ecocrisis”. It is available in Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities. Adam introduces his text as follows: “Decolonial History and Ecopolitical Resistance In this article, I will argue for the need of a new … Continue reading “From Anthropocene Historiography to a New Understanding of The Present Ecocrisis”

Podcasts – a Valuable Tool of Research Communication

Podcasts are great company for a lunch walk, a long commute or doing household chores. By now, a multitude covering all kinds of topics exist. But while some might associate this medium with leisure time, it is actually a great support for reading scientific complex texts. Eric Paglia, researcher in the project SPHERE, uses podcasts … Continue reading “Podcasts – a Valuable Tool of Research Communication”

Digitising Education – A Reflection

Our division is engaged in multiple forms of teaching. This did not change during the pandemic. The new reality, dominated by working from home and thus increasingly online, forced us to find new ways of teaching. It was paramount to keep the same level of quality while moving whole courses online and dealing with the … Continue reading “Digitising Education – A Reflection”

Is the self-read water meter a pro-poor innovation? Kenian experiences by Nilsson and Blomkvist

Just this February, KTH Water Centre director and division member David Nilsson has together with Pär Blomkvist (Mälardalen University, Division of Industrial Economics and Organisation) published a new article in Utilities Policy: “Is the self-read water meter a pro-poor innovation? Evidence from a low-income settlement in Nairobi”. In this article, both authors engage the topic … Continue reading “Is the self-read water meter a pro-poor innovation? Kenian experiences by Nilsson and Blomkvist”

Winter at Hope Bay, Antarctica

To Northern Europeans, Antarctica is still a place of wonder and mystery. This might even more so be the case in times of rapid climate change – for a plethora of reasons. The following story happened at Hope Bay in Antarctica. In January 1902, Otto Nordenskjöld together with his Swedish Antarctic Expedition discovered the bay. … Continue reading “Winter at Hope Bay, Antarctica”

New PhD-student in the “Making Universities Matter”-project!

We have a new PhD-student at the division! While the pandemic is still disrupting usual work routines, we are very happy that new people can nevertheless join us. Starting a PhD under these conditions in a new work environment is all but easy. Therefore, the division’s blog wants to continue introducing new people to make … Continue reading “New PhD-student in the “Making Universities Matter”-project!”

On “Protection and Improvement of the Human Environment”

Eric Paglia has just now published a new article in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. Topic is the 1972 United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The conference was convened after the Swedish delegation’s intervention on behalf of environmental protection four to five years earlier. Happening within a framework determined by the goal of sustainable … Continue reading “On “Protection and Improvement of the Human Environment””

Something I Have Learned from COVID-19

The following text was published by Marco Armiero in Environment and History 26 (3), pp. 451-454, in August 2020. Marco writes as acting president of the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH).   I hope I am not taking advantage of my position as the president of our society to write what might seem to … Continue reading “Something I Have Learned from COVID-19”

Discussing the issue of flying and sustainability

By Nina Wormbs The week before Christmas, a number of colleagues at the Division gathered for a workshop where we discussed flying habits. It was part of the research project Decreased CO2-emissions in flight-intensive organisations: from data to practice at the EECS school, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, led by Daniel Pargman with funding from … Continue reading “Discussing the issue of flying and sustainability”

Experiences in Digital Teaching

Covid-19 has profoundly changed the way we work as scholars of the humanities. Teaching is no exception to this. The digitisation of university education was abruptly maximised and teachers were to a big extent forced to adapt to the new reality of online teaching on their own. Kati Lindström has written about her experiences during … Continue reading “Experiences in Digital Teaching”