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CfP: Book in EU-initiative SOS Climate Waterfront

Linking Research and Innovation on Waterfront through Technology for Excellence of Resilience to face Climate Change The shrink of bio-diversity, unprecedented climate swings and the raising costs of maintenance are symptoms of a planet struggling with Climate Change. To reestablish a healthy condition, cities seek to develop strategies of adaptation to make the built environment … Continue reading “CfP: Book in EU-initiative SOS Climate Waterfront”

CfP: European Energy Shortages during the Short Coal Age (1860-1960), online at KTH

Aliaksandr Piahanau and Per Högselius are organising an online workshop based at our division at KTH on 1 February 2023. Our colleagues are inviting scholars from around the world to discuss the “European Energy Shortages during the Short Coal Age (1869-1960)”. Of course, the workshop hits the zeitgeist, as current rearranging energy systems take discussions … Continue reading “CfP: European Energy Shortages during the Short Coal Age (1860-1960), online at KTH”

Upcoming: Rob Nixon at the 11th Stockholm Archipelago Lecture

We are happy to announce that the next Stockholm Archipelago Lecture is coming up on 10 November 2022 at 5pm (Stockholm time). Rob Nixon is going to give his presentation titled “The Less Selfish Gene: Forest Altruism, Neoliberalism, and the Tree of Life”. Feel free to join digitally! You find the link below. Abstract: Why … Continue reading “Upcoming: Rob Nixon at the 11th Stockholm Archipelago Lecture”

“It is patriotic to protect the climate”

Sverker Sörlin (KTH Professor of Environmental History and member of the Swedish Climate Council 2018-2022), Maria Wolrath Söderberg (docent in rhetorics with a specialisation in climate adaptation, Södertörns högskola)  and Nina Wormbs (KTH Professor of History of Technology) have published a highly commentated opinion piece in Dagens Nyheter on 25 September 2022. Following Sweden’s close … Continue reading ““It is patriotic to protect the climate””

How Scholars Reason About Air Travel

Nina Wormbs, professor in history of technology at the division, has published a chapter together with Elina Eriksson (KTH Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap) and Maria Wolrath Söderberg (Södertörn) about the debate on flying in academia. This chapter with the title “Exceptionalism and Evasion: How Scholars Reason About Air Travel” is part of the edited … Continue reading “How Scholars Reason About Air Travel”

Making a model: the 1974 Nordic Environmental Protection Convention

Melina Antonia Buns, visiting postdoc in international and environmental history at the division, has published a new open access article in the Scandinavian Journal of History (published online on 05 May 2022). The title of the article is “Making a model: the 1974 Nordic Environmental Protection Convention and Nordic attempts to form environmental law” and … Continue reading “Making a model: the 1974 Nordic Environmental Protection Convention”

Shifting Baselines – Acclimatization as a Coping Strategy to Climate Change?

By Sabine Höhler, Professor and Head of Division I am spending a long weekend with my parents in the Lower Rhine region, not far from the Ruhr area. It is the end of August in Germany and, like much of Europe, the country is suffering from persistent heat and drought. It’s that “summer of the … Continue reading “Shifting Baselines – Acclimatization as a Coping Strategy to Climate Change?”

What will happen to the Ågesta Nuclear Power Plant?

Our colleague Anna Storm (now professor of technology and social change at Linköping University) has been involved in an intellectual exchange with the state-owned power company Vattenfall about the future of Ågesta Nuclear Power Plant in the context of its decommissioning in the magazine NyTeknik. In Anna’s first article from 28 July 2022, she displays … Continue reading “What will happen to the Ågesta Nuclear Power Plant?”

Sverker Sörlin Acts as Sommarvärd on Radio Sweden on 7 July

We are happy to share the news that Professor Sverker Sörlin was nominated by Sveriges Radio P1 to be one of the hosts for the aclaimed radio show Sommar. The show has been running during the summer weeks since the sixties. Every year a number of profiles of various backgrounds (research, arts, acting, politics etc) … Continue reading “Sverker Sörlin Acts as Sommarvärd on Radio Sweden on 7 July”

New Article: A New Earth Rises

Erik Isberg, PhD-student at the division within the SPHERE-project, has published a new article with the title “A new Earth rises. How did the planet replace the nation-state to become the prime political object of the 21st century?”. You can read and even listen to the full text on the Aeon-Website. Here is a small … Continue reading “New Article: A New Earth Rises”