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The labs

Christmas time is coming up, not only at Luca’s home, also in the Sustainable Power Lab (SPL) here at KTH. The SPL is located at Teknikringen 33, where we let ingenuity sprawl (to be judged by you 😉 ).

A major part for us EMD people in the advent time are the laboratory exercises in the course “Electrical machines and drives”. This task is taken over by the PhD students working on electrical machines and drives. Let me take the chance and introduce myself: My name is Yixuan and I am a PhD student with Luca on “Fault tolerance of electrical machines”. I will talk more about the research in another post.

So, with my fellow colleagues Giovanni and Gustaf, we are preparing the lab benches for the students these days. We call this task “the yearly sanity test” due to a latch circuit involved in the bench setup. In a nutshell, it is a circuit for on/off-buttons, such that one does not need to hold the on-button. This year, due to Giovanni’s experience, I consider us to have passed the test on the first try….not senile yet.

Another favorite component of ours are the rheostats, i.e. variable resistors. Very analogue and apparently fragile. Unfortunately, one of them didn’t survive this year so well.

Before the laboratory exercises start we will finish the benches and make sure that everything actually works. A small sneak-peak here:

So, see you soon in the lab!