Co-designing Interactive Wearable Technologies for Physical Activity with Older Adults

At KTH Flemingberg, we are excited to invite older adults to join us as co-designers in a series of design workshops for our medical engineering project, Age-Wear.

As an interdisciplinary team of passionate researchers, we aim to merge a human-centred understanding of older adults as technology users with interaction design and medical engineering. Our goal is to develop solutions that enhance the health and self-efficacy of our users.

Over the course of this three-year Age-Wear project, we will collaboratively design interactive wearable technologies that help older adults synchronise their steps with their heartbeat during physical activity. Such synchronisation is expected to improve their cardiovascular health and overall well-being.


Our First Co-designing Workshop

This workshop series kicked off on November 21st, where we held a physical prototyping session to explore new perspectives for an ideal wearable device.

It started with a small sharing of the up-to-date knowledge of wearable technology and our previous findings related to this user group to inform our participants why this workshop would be insightful to us.

We then introduced our physical prototyping tools such as ideation prompts, body maps, and different materials. By offering these tools, we aimed to demonstrate that co-designing technology is accessible to everyone – we gather together to spark new ideas instead of finding the best technical solution!

During the workshop, older adults were joined by our fellow researchers. Together, they had group ideation, tried out different materials, and imagined movements to design their own version of an ‘ideal wearable’ for physical activity. They produced prototypes such as a clip-on sensor, hand band, and wrist-worn tracker.


Outcomes and Our Future Vision

To end the workshop, we had a vibrant group discussion about the thinking behind certain design decisions. These conversations highlighted potential wearable device preferences tailored for older adults to use during their daily physical activities.

One of the most rewarding outcomes of this workshop was the mutual learning between medical engineers, interaction designers and older adults. We learned from their unique bodily experience whilst interacting with wearables. Meanwhile, our participants were inspired and thrilled to get to know more about the latest technical developments.

In the future, we look forward to organising more of these workshops focusing on physical prototyping and integrating different interaction modalities. The outcomes of the workshops will also be published and presented in scientific conferences and journals.

We warmly welcome all older adults aged 65 and above to join our future workshops!

If you are interested in being part of the project, don’t hesitate to contact Tien-Ying at

Age-Wear Research Team (KTH)

Tien-Ying Lu
Aurora Rosato
Jie Che
Duosi Dai
Seraina Dual
Sanna Kuoppamäki

The project is conducted in collaboration with GIH (Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences) and Stockholm Stad.

The project is funded by Kamprad Family Foundation.

A New Conversational Tool to Promote Positive Body Image


Body Image Dissatisfaction Can Decrease Quality of Life 

Eating disorders are relatively common among young adults, especially among females or elite athletes. A major risk factor for developing an eating disorder is body image dissatisfaction which indicates a negative attitude towards one’s own physical appearance.  Current technologies in the market are focused mostly on nutrition by measuring and tracking calorie intake in order to optimise the dietary choices. The social media landscape is filled with certain beauty ideals representing only certain body types and shapes as more normative or successful than others [1]. As a result, these kinds of technologies can contribute to body image dissatisfaction, unhealthy eating habits, or disordered eating behaviours. Eating disorders often remain unrecognized, and they can significantly decrease the quality of life particularly for young adults who may be vulnerable to societal pressures on physical appearance.

TrueBalance – A New Conversational Tool to Promote Positive Body Image

To provide an alternative solution to the mainstream nutrition technologies, we have developed a new conversational tool called TrueBalance for the recognition and raising awareness of body image dissatisfaction that can maintain unhealthy eating habits. TrueBalance allows the person to have an autonomous text-based conversation on any topic regarding physical appearance, eating habits, fear of gaining weight or anxiety related to food intake. TrueBalance integrates biomedical determinants that might lead to eating disorders, and applies the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) [2] to provide conversational support that helps users in identifying unhelpful thoughts and reformulating these thoughts into more constructive thinking patterns [3]. TrueBalance provides its suggestions based on previous scientific knowledge on eating disorders in a value-sensitive manner. TrueBalance does not collect personal information from the user (such as names or other personal details), which means that all dialogues remain anonymous. We hope that this tool could be used in the promotion of positive body image, prevention of eating disorders or as a complementary method along with working together with a professional therapist.

Initial Feedback from Psychologists and Young Adults Shows Promising Results 

TrueBalance has been tested with a psychologist and young adults from the age group of under 30 to understand the benefits and challenges of using this technology for the promotion of positive body image. Psychologists see the benefits of using this tool in the education of cognitive behavioral therapists, since TrueBalance can generate different cognitive strategies for raising awareness and overcoming negative thoughts on body image or eating. Young adults have appreciated the possibility to have an anonymous dialogue on sensitive topics that resembles conversation with a friend. This can help users to reflect and raise awareness of their body image satisfaction, emotions related to food and eating, or concerns regarding physical appearance. More user studies are nevertheless needed to understand the potential implementation and ethical challenges of using this technology in health promotion.

Future Research with New Participants is Needed

It will be important to ensure that this type of technology will have positive impacts on users’ self-image, body image and emotional well-being. For that reason, we are now looking for young adults from the age group of 20-30 interested in trying TrueBalance for a short period of time, and sharing their insights, feedback and challenges with this technology with us. Participation includes:

1) Short online meeting, where we will demonstrate how to use TrueBalance, and what kind of questions or topics you can talk with it. We will give you the instructions of how you can use TrueBalance. You will also answer an anonymised survey on body image satisfaction. 

2) You will use TrueBalance in your home for 1 week, a minimum of 3 times. You can select the time and length of using TrueBalance yourself, but we encourage you to use it as often as you like. Using TrueBalance is entirely anonymous, and we will not be able to connect your conversation with your personal data. 

3) Follow-up online interview, where we will ask you questions about the user experience of interacting with TrueBalance. You will be asked to fill a questionnaire about body image satisfaction. 

A small financial compensation (gift card) will be awarded to all participants.

All young adults between the ages of 20 and 30 are welcome to participate. No prior technical knowledge is needed. 

 If you are interested in participating, you can respond to this invitation by sending ‘Yes’ along with your name, to or use the registration link: The schedule for the participation can be decided based on your availability. 

Your participation contributes to new knowledge about the benefits of conversational technologies in health promotion. At the same time, you get an insight into the ongoing technology development. Participation is completely voluntary and you can choose to cancel your participation in the study at any time. Your privacy will be respected, and no person will be identified from the published material. All information about you is completely anonymised.

Research team:

Sanna Kuoppamäki, Assistant Professor, KTH
Arzu Güneysu, Associate Professor, Umeå University
Razan Jaber, Researcher, KTH
Beatrice Vincenci, Lecturer, Birmingham City University
Josefin Rehn Hamrin, Master student graduate, KTH
Natalia Slusarek, Master student graduate, KTH
Xuan Zhang, Master student graduate, KI 


[1] Castellanos Silva, R., & Steins, G. (2023). Social media and body dissatisfaction in young adults: An experimental investigation of the effects of different image content and influencing constructs. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1037932.

[2] Agras, W. S., & Bohon, C. (2021). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Eating Disorders. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 17(1), 417–438.

[3]  Hamrin, J. R. (2024). Enhancing Support for Eating Disorders: Developing a Conversational Agent Integrating Biomedical Insights and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Master thesis, School of Engineering Sciences.

Delta i mindfulness-forskning på KTH

Är du 65 år eller äldre? Är du intresserad av mindfulnessträning? Kom och delta i forskning på KTH. Du får testa en mindfulnessapp hemma och dela din erfarenhet av mindfulnessträning med oss! 

Mindfulness har blivit en vanlig träningsform för att förbättra välbefinnande, minska symtom på stress och smärta, och förbättra avslappning och koncentration. Detta projekt syftar till att öka kunskapen om fördelarna med mindfulnessträning bland äldre vuxna. 

Fördelarna med mindfulness praktik 

Regelbunden mindfulnessträning kan hjälpa oss att: 

  • Minska symptom av stress och ångest 
  • Hantera våra känslor och tankar 
  • Hantera kronisk smärta 
  • Förbättra koncentration och ge ett ökat fokus 
  • Förbättra vår sömnkvalité och få oss att somna lättare 

Vad innebär studien?  

Studien kommer att ske under februari och mars 2024: 

1. Besök på KTH (2 timmar): 

Du kommer att besöka oss på KTH i början av studien så att vi kan presentera mobilapplikationen. Du kommer att få svara på ett frågeformulär om din tidigare användning av mobilapplikationer och ditt upplevda välbefinnande. Mötet kommer att ta cirka 2 timmar, och dagen bestäms efter deltagarnas tillgänglighet.  

2. Användning av applikation i ditt hem (3 veckor):

Du kommer att göra en kort daglig mindfulnessträning med mobilapplikationen i ditt eget hem under 3 veckor. Varje daglig praktik tar bara 5-10 minuter. Vi rekommenderar att deltagarna gör mindfulnessträningen minst 4 gånger per vecka, men helst varje dag. 

3. Besök på KTH (1 timme):

Efter 3 veckors mindfulnessträningsperiod, kommer du att besöka oss på KTH en gång till. Du kommer att få berätta om dina upplevelser av att använda mobilapplikationen för mindfulnessträning.  Detta möte tar cirka 1 timme och datumet bestäms efter deltagarnas tillgänglighet.

Vad är fördelarna med att delta?  

Ditt deltagande och din tid bidrar till kunskap om fördelarna med mindfulness praktik för äldre vuxna, och du får möjlighet att påverka framtida utveckling. Samtidigt får du en inblick i den pågående teknikutvecklingen som berör teknik och hälsa. Du kommer även få ett presentkort på en symbolisk summa som tack för ditt deltagande i studien. Deltagandet är helt frivilligt och du kan välja att avbryta ditt deltagande i studien när som helst. Din integritet kommer att respekteras, och ingen person kommer att kunna identifieras utifrån det publicerade materialet. All information om dig är helt och hållet anonymiserad. 

Vilka är de vetenskapliga frågeställningarna? 

  1. Påverkar mindfulnessträning för äldre vuxnas välbefinnande? I så fall, på vilket sätt? 
  2. Vilka är fördelarna och utmaningarna med att använda en mobilapplikation för mindfulnessträning bland äldre vuxna? 
  3. Vilken typ av interaktionsmodaliteter (röst, ljud, musik) skulle kunna förbättra applikationens interaktivitet?


För at registrera dig för att delta i studien, fyll gärna i anmälningsformuläret här:  Anmälningsformuläret 

Du kan också anmäla dig med att skicka dina kontaktuppgifter till 

Alla vuxna från 65 år är välkomna att delta. Du behöver ingen tidigare erfarenhet av mindfulnessträning, men vi rekommenderar att du kan använda en mobilapp på svenska. 

Om forskarna: 

Lucy McCarren är doktorand på KTH vid skolan för medicinsk teknik och hälsosystem. Hennes forskning fokuserar på sociotekniska studier av artificiell intelligens (AI), i synnerhet de sociala och etiska effekterna av att använda konversations-AI inomäldreomsorgen. 

Sanna Kuoppamäki är biträdande universitetslektor på KTH vid skolan för medicinsk teknik och hälsosystem. 

Exploring AI-mediated mindfulness practice to promote older adults’ well-being

Mindfulness can improve mental and physical well-being 

Mindfulness has become a common self-care practice to improve mental and physical well-being, decrease symptoms of stress and improve relaxation and concentration.  Mindfulness can be defined as a state that can be achieved through focusing one’s awareness on the present using mind and breath.  Mindfulness can be used as a part of self-care practice, or as mindfulness-based intervention (MBIs). Mindfulness-based interventions are used as a prevention and treatment for depression, anxiety, stress and other psychiatric disorders, and they can be practiced through various exercises and assignments aimed at developing mindfulness through formal practice and in daily life.  

New research project about mindfulness in later life 

 At KTH we are investigating if and how AI-mediated mindfulness practice could promote the well-being of older adults aged 65 and over. The project explores the use of mobile applications in mindfulness practice and aims to design a new conversational mindfulness application through participatory design with older adults. 

Older adults could significantly benefit from mindfulness practice, but most mobile health applications are not developed based on their unique needs and interests. Conversational applications, such as chatbots or virtual assistants can decrease many technology adoption barriers that older adults typically experience with digital technologies and improve the interactivity with the device.  

What are the benefits of mindfulness practice in daily life?  

 Mindfulness practice has shown to be associated with reduced levels of stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms. Mindfulness can facilitate compassionate and self-compassionate thinking, which may reduce negative emotions and thoughts experienced in daily life. Mindfulness can also be used as a treatment for physical symptoms, such as chronic pain, fatigue and shortness of breath.  

 Mindfulness technologies today consist of mobile health applications or videos providing guided mindfulness training. In this project, we aim to use and develop a conversational mobile application that can provide a more personalised, adaptive and accessible mindfulness experience in comparison to traditional methods of mindfulness practice. This application can be designed to have customisable guidance, interactive features, reminders, progress tracking and social features.  

“I am interested in mindfulness – how can I participate in the project”?  

We are looking for older adults aged 65 and over who would like to use a mindfulness application for a 3-week period at their home. Participation includes an interview before and after using the application. No previous experience of mindfulness is needed, but we recommend that you are comfortable with using a mobile application in Swedish.  

 We will soon open the link for registration on the KTH website. You can also register by sending your contact information to to: 

By participating in the study, you will have a possibility to test a mobile application in mindfulness practice and contribute to increased scientific knowledge and understanding of the benefits of mindfulness for older adults.   

 Research team: 

Lucy McCarren, PhD student, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems, KTH 

Sanna Kuoppamäki, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems, KTH

Inbjudan till att delta i studien: ‘Utvecklingen av en personlig sällskapsrobot’

Är du vuxen som är 65 år eller äldre? Är du intresserad av sociala robotar och vill ta del av utvecklingen av en personligt sällskapsrobot? Kom och ta del av denna unika möjlighet att uppleva Furhat, världens mest avancerade sociala robot.

Forskningsprojektet ‘Personlig sällskapsrobot inom långtidsvården av äldre’ undersöker möjligheterna att använda sociala robotar för att ge socialt stöd till äldre vuxna i deras hem, för att minska upplevelsen av ensamhet. Roboten kommer att lära sig av samtal med användare och komma ihåg dem för att anpassa framtida samtal. Vi är intresserade av hur äldre vuxna upplever samtalet med sociala robotar, och vilken typ av samtal äldre vuxna anser som meningsfullt.

Vi söker äldre vuxna från 65 år som kan delta i studien. Studien kommer att ske den 6 och 8 mars kl. 10-12 och 14-16 på KTH Campus Digital Futures (Osquars backe 5).  Deltagande inkluderar:

  • Du kommer att se videor av sociala robotar i olika vardagssituationer
  • Du kommer att bli frågad vilken typ av konversation du skulle vilja ha med en robot i dessa situationer
  • Du kommer att ha ett kort samtal (5 min) med en robot
  • Du kommer att bli frågad om dina upplevelser av att ha samtalet med roboten

Sammantaget tar dessa två moment ca 2 h.

Alla vuxna som är 65 år eller äldre är välkomna att delta. Inga förkunskaper om robotar behövs för att delta. Vi bjuder på fika och ett presentkort för ditt deltagande.

Om du är intresserad av att delta kan du svara på denna inbjudan genom att skicka “Ja” tillsammans med ditt namn, vilka dagar och tider du är tillgänglig till eller 070-2672 422.

Ditt deltagande bidrar till kunskap om fördelarna med denna teknik för äldre vuxna, och du får möjlighet att påverka framtida lösningar. Samtidigt får du en inblick i den pågående teknikutvecklingen som handlar om robotar och artificiell intelligens.

Deltagandet är helt frivilligt och du kan välja att avbryta ditt deltagande i studien när som helst. Din integritet kommer att respekteras, och ingen person kommer att kunna identifieras från det publicerade materialet. All information om dig är helt och hållet anonymiserad.


Med vänlig hälsning,

Bahar Irfan
Postdoktor vid Digital Futures
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, KTH
Avdelningen för Tal, Musik och Hörsel
Tel. +46 727805162

Sanna Kuoppamäki
Biträdande universitetslektor, PhD
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, KTH
Institutionen för Medicinsk Teknik och Hälsosystem
Tel. +46 702672422

Gabriel Skantze
Professor i Talkommunikation och Talteknologi
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, KTH
Avdelningen för Tal, Musik och Hörsel
Tel. +46 733266669