Hierarchy of classes

The table shows classes above and classes immediately below the current class.
Level Class label P_total Tot. no. of
Swe. publ.
No. of Mine
and minerals
research publ.
No. of Swe.
Mine and
Basic info - Whole publ. class Statistics per country Statistics per organization Swe. Org. statistics
4 METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING//MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY//ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL 726545 10290 19543 364 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             HYDROMETALLURGY//ISIJ INTERNATIONAL//IRONMAKING & STEELMAKING 28806 900 14010 263 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         HYDROMETALLURGY//BIOLEACHING//ACIDITHIOBACILLUS FERROOXIDANS 10590 141 10590 141 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         BLAST FURNACE//IRONMAKING//IRON ORE SINTER 3042 95 1715 60 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         CONTINUOUS CASTING//ISIJ INTERNATIONAL//STAHL UND EISEN 9276 445 1091 54 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         CALPHAD-COMPUTER COUPLING OF PHASE DIAGRAMS AND THERMOCHEMISTRY//METALLURGICAL TRANSACTIONS B-PROCESS METALLURGY//MOLECULAR INTERACTION VOLUME MODEL 5553 211 614 8 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics

Publications per year within Mine and minerals research

1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 All years
1938 2107 2521 3107 4337 14010

Bar chart of publication_year

Publications per year, all publications in class

1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 All years
4644 4851 5400 6228 7683 28806

Bar chart of publication_year