Considerations for Deep-Sea Environmental Impact Research on Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal
Centre researcher Susanna Lidström is co author on a newly released policy brief on deep ocean carbon removal.
"The ecology of the deep ocean has been poorly considered and represented in discussion of mCDR and there are many uncertainties about the scale and degree of impacts, which will vary by technology type. The deep ocean is home to diverse and unique species, habitats and ecosystems that play important roles in the carbon cycle and other Earth systems. Special features of deep-sea ecosystems pose unique challenges and require distinct approaches for assessing mCDR consequences. More research is needed on the impacts of any mCDR proposals involving the deep ocean and their efficacy as a potential climate change solution."
Read the article here:
DOSI (2024) “ Considerations for deep-sea environmental impact research on marine carbon dioxide removal ”, Policy Brief, Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative.