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Join the KTH UK Alumni Chapter for a visit to Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain!

You are invited to visit the Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB), which is a world-leading centre for the use of MRI in neuroscience. The centre is equipped with a state-of-the-art 7 Tesla scanner (standard clinical scanners are 1.5 or 3 Tesla), which allows for acquiring images of the brain with exquisitely high resolution.

Tid: Sö 2017-09-03 kl 15.00

Plats: FMRIB centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford

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The visit will include a live demonstration of the 7 Tesla system, including functional MR imaging to record neural activity in the brain. Functional MR imaging is a technique which is widely used in research studies to elucidate the role of different brain areas.

The FMRIB centre is located at the John Radcliffe hospital, about 15 minutes by car from Oxford city centre. Oxford city centre is in itself very well worth a visit, with its many historic college and university buildings. Highly recommended is also a visit to the Ashmolean museum, which is currently running a unique exhibition of Raphael's drawings (http://www.ashmolean.org/exhibitions/raphael/).

The visit at the FMRIB centre will take place at 3pm on Sunday 3 September and is free of charge. Please respond by 27 August the latest if you are interested in participating. Bring family and friends!

After the visit to FMRIB a dinner may be arranged in town. Currently we are looking at holding a dinner at St. Hilda's college (https://www.sthildas.ox.ac.uk/), to a price of approximately £45/person (excluding drinks). Details remain to be finalised. If you are interested in participating in the dinner, please respond as soon as possible, so that we can estimate number of participants. Please note that the cost of dinner is not included and needs to be payed on the day.

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