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Simon Battisti: 'Tirana Endless' (Apr 14)

Welcome to the KTH-A public programme and an open guest lecture by Simon Battisti, architect, educator and co-curator of the Albanian Pavillion at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. The talk will give an account of contemporary conditions for architecture and urban development in Tirana, Albania, and is part of the series 'Europe Endless'. The student-run Thursdays' bar will be open for the occasion.

Tid: To 2016-04-14 kl 18.00

Plats: Main Atelier (A108), KTH School of Architecture, Oscars backe 5, Stockholm

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is an architect and educator based in Tirana, Albania. He is curator of the  Albanian Pavillion at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale (with  Leah Whitman-Salkin  and design collective Åbäke .) and is director of the Atelier Albania Summer Academy. In 2014–2015 he was a Fulbright Fellow in Albania, where his research sought to illuminate the family – as opposed to banks – as the major institution of construction finance in Albania. He holds a Master of Architecture from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he cofounded the Harvard GSD’s student journal   Very Vary Veri  in 2013. He writes regularly about architecture and urbanism, and is editor of Flexible Leviathan: Reconsidering Scale and Fixity in Iztapalapa, Mexico City (Harvard GSD, 2016). He has worked in design offices in Los Angeles, Mumbai, and New York City.

The event is the third and concluding part of the series 'Europe Endless', hosted by Björn Ehrlemark, which invites practitioners active in the field of architecture and city-making to present the specific condition of the city they work in. Through the series as a whole, the idea is to give an impression of the context architecture operates in in today's "European City" – including the ambiguities, dynamics and contraditions . The series started off with Massimo Santanicchia and his talk  Reykjavik Endless , and also included Istanbul Endless with Selva Gürdoğan and Gregers Tang Thomsen.

You can also find this event on the KTH-A facebook page , and the student-run Thursdays' bar will be open for the occasion – welcome!