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Föreläsning/Lecture: “HELLO, CITY!” med Liam Young, 8 December 2016

Tid: To 2016-12-08 kl 18.00 - 20.00

Plats: Arkitekturskolan KTH, Osquars backe 5, Entréplan sal 108

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Join speculative architect Liam Young and an all-seeing smart city operating system as they take a tour in a driverless taxi through a network of software systems, autonomous infrastructures, ghost architectures, anomalies, glitches, and sprites, searching for the wilds beyond the machine. The talk will be an audio-visual expedition to a city found somewhere between the present and the predicted, the real and the imagined, stitched together from fragments of real landscapes and designed urban fictions. For more info: www.liamyoung.org .

Organizer: Stockholms Arkitektförening through Frida Rosenberg in collaboration with Arkitekturskolan KTH/Studio 5.

Hello, City (pdf 978 kB)